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Monday, February 26, 2018

Dana Loesch Blasts MSM: Focus On Coward Officers, Not 5 Million Gun Owners

Spars with George Stephanopoulos over Sheriff Israel and media’s anti-gun coverage

While Sheriff Israel was getting grilled by Jake Tapper this morning on CNN, Dana Loesch was being interviewed by George Stephanopoulos and HOLY MOLY, this woman is tough as nails.

You can tell watching this video that Dana has had enough of this bullsh*t, and this morning listening to Sheriff Israel babble about how he doesn’t really know what happened yet and that he’s some great leader … he even made some idiotic joke about OJ?

The jig is up, dude.

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  1. Looks like Harrington has a problem with coward cops too. Their good ole boy network is about to be shattered.

  2. See, I told you cops are cowards, what more proof do you need? A video showing the cop is a coward or the fact the cops boss said he was a coward and or the fact that now MSM is saying cops are cowards????

    But lets wait for the ass cheek sucking cop lovers to chime in with their typical BS statements about how unarmed people being shot in the back get what they deserve...

    1. You committed a crime and so did your family member. Stop blaming all cops and own up to it.. The example you set in your family has caused problems. Time to stand up and say sorry.

  3. 7:26 AM something needs to be done that is for sure...


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