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Monday, February 26, 2018

CPAC Straw Poll Finds 93 Percent Support for Donald Trump

The Washington Times annual straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has again found overwhelming support for President Donald Trump and his administration’s policies.

The poll found that 93 percent of respondents approve of the job Trump is doing, a seven percent rise from the figure of 86 percent last year. Seventy-five percent of attendees now believe America is going in the right direction, compared to just 44 percent of respondents last year.

“The conservative movement has found a new leader,” said Jim McLaughlin, who organized the poll.

Seventy-nine percent of people believe that Republicans in Congress should be doing more to support Trump, while 60 percent believe special counsel Robert Mueller has been unfair during the investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election.



  1. Wow, just wow! There are some really sick people in this world.

    1. You are right that's why we didn't vote for her. The women is sick. Trump 7 more years then trump jr for 8. 16 years of the trump dynasty. Awesome.

  2. 12:41 PM - and such a disproportionate number of them have (D) after their names.

    1. If your measure of people is based off the letter they have by their name, then YOU sir are a major part of the problem

    2. LoL. Never never Can't go back to Democrats taking our hard earned money again.

  3. A lot of idiots out there. This isnt even about political positions. Its about having masses of folks who have truly become detached from the reality of facts, objective analysis, and thoughtful policy decisions. Not to mention the outright hypocrisy so many trump voters live by.

    1. Give examples based of facts not talking heads! Change my mind! Currently in my opinion your comment sends a Dark Message.

    2. Do you live under a rock. Do you not read. Are you on welfare. Did someone take your food stamps. What is with you - feel a need to join the liberals because it is fashionable. Sad

  4. 12:41 I agree there must have been some under the weather folks there. I believe the real number is 100% support for the good POTUS

  5. Think about this people, the way it is now all they can do is hunker down in a corner and yell NOOOOO loud enough to stop him/her from shooting them. If they were armed, yes maybe outgunned, but at least they have a better chance than yelling NOOOOOO.....


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