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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Cops got three calls about Cruz wanting to shoot school

A 911 call log released on Thursday by the Broward County Sheriff's Department reveals that police were first told that Nikolas Cruz might commit a school shooting two years before he massacred 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

On February 5, 2016, a neighbor's son alerted officers to an Instagram post that showed Cruz, then a juvenile, holding guns and threatening to shoot up the school.

The deputy who responded noted that Cruz, who was 17 at the time, had BB guns and knives but did not write up a report, choosing instead to notify the school.

Nothing was done at all however in November when a caller informed police that the teenager was 'collecting guns and knives,' adding: 'Cruz will kill himself one day and believes he could be a school shooter in the making.'



  1. After 9-11 pilots had to fight to carry guns on the cockpit. They won, and terrorists haven't tried the 9-11 method again. All of these school shootings, why hasn't the teachers union tried to get training for willing and capable teachers, the same way the pilots did?

  2. The sheriff is blaming NRA

  3. right 2:04 and back then we heard the same hysteria from the democrats back then. about how there were going to be gunfights in the sky and planes were going to fall out of the sky because of bullet holes in them. Didn't happen. The sole result is there hasn't been an attempted hijacking since pilots are armed and air marshals are on flights.

  4. 1:30 duh...this is as screwed up as it gets and its NOT the first time an incident like this has happened. have you tried to think through all the past shootings, men on drugs, eye witnesses with a conflicting story than what the offices are reporting, and so much more. do your own digging and try to connect some dots for yourself. something stinks about this horrible incident.


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