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Thursday, February 01, 2018

CONFUSION: Flustered Pelosi slams 'Dennis' Nunes over FISA memo

A flustered Nancy Pelosi alternated between manic and panic on Monday during an appearance on CNN.

She lectured host Chris Cuomo as he asked about the FISA memo the House Intelligence Committee voted to release publicly earlier in the day.

When asked if she thinks it will “put lives at stake if the memo comes out,” Pelosi responded, “We’re not saying that intelligence that is necessary for other countries to share with us, why would they put it at the mercy of Dennis Nunes, who doesn’t even memo and say to the American people should see it,” she said incoherently, calling Devin Nunes by the wrong first name.

“The American people — they have their own jobs to do. They’re not there saying, ‘Now I’m going to redact the memo because I know what is true and what is false,” Pelosi said.

“No, I’m saying you guys redact what you need to redact and let the American people decide,” Cuomo responded.

“But they– that’s not, that’s the way intelligence works,” Pelosi stammered. “You, you — that’s not the way it works,” she repeated.



  1. Nancy, it's time for that mental health screening you've been putting off for so long.

  2. She is the one who should be Slammed for her Hateful actions
    at POTUS speech in Congress !!!

    Remove Her / Shumer / Shiff from congress !!!

  3. Pelosi should go Home & eat her "CRUMBS" !!!

  4. Guess we can start eating Our Crumbs soon with the Tax
    breaks in our paychecks that Pelosi Voted Against !!!

    I'll take whatever Crumbs I can get .....

    Democrats should be Exempt from the tax breaks !!!

  5. Pelosi is just totally crazy if you saw her actions during Trumps Presidential wrap of a year in office, she looked like a deer literally in the headlights, flighty, and weird either she is on major drugs or certified CRAZY!! All interviews with her since the election she makes no sense, and just babbles like Hillary did with all the slips and falls.

  6. The only reason that Pelosi isn't calling you people Deplorables is because Hillary already did. Take you CRUMBS and get out of here.

  7. I am convinced that Pelosi is an alien from the planet Idiotoid.

  8. Why don't these government folks have a mandatory retirement age? It is obvious that after making a career off of the taxpayer, their thought process has diminished. It is not fair to their employers.


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