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Saturday, February 24, 2018

CNN, Jake Tapper Face Growing Criticism Over 'Abusive' Anti-Gun 'Show Trial'

CNN’s anti-gun town hall event and its left-wing moderator, Jake Tapper, are facing widespread criticism over what many saw as a bullying “show trial.”

Tapper is being singled out for much of the criticism from those who say he remained silent as abusive personal attacks were hurled at Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch. Incredibly, Tapper also remained silent as his audience booed a rape victim.

At the Wednesday night spectacle, those in favor of protecting our Second Amendment civil rights were vastly outnumbered by an audience packed with hostile gun-haters and emotional questioners, including children.



  1. The CNN circus was so democrat in that it was so primal and uncivilized. They once again proved they hit the nail on the head when they self described as nasty. Nasty as in they are so crude and low class. They even called Dana Loesch a C U Next Tuesday. The only thing missing were the vulgar vagina hats on their gross heads.

  2. Gotta wonder where the Kenyan Skid Mark is in all this. After all "the police acted stupidly". The Skid Mark is an authority on that.

  3. It was a circus. These TV debates over banning certain types of firearms are ludicrous. Anyone using their 1st Amendment rights on cable television to tell me the 2nd Amendment only covers muskets because the AR-15 wasn't invented yet, needs to get off the TV and write me a letter with a quill pen, then have it delivered to my house by some guy on a horse. Then and only then can we start the discussion of why they are wrong.

  4. That sheriff is a POS. He had the nerve to say the NRA wasn't standing up for children when he is the one that allowed 17 people to be gunned down in cold blood. He and the democrat policies he subscribes to and the democrat voters are murders. He said in his autobiography 'you won't be remembered by how many kids you put in jail but by how many you kept out." The POS kept them out by ignoring violence. That is the democrat way. Creating illusions so the numbers look good. And the democrat voters are no better. Stupid worthless garbage who are too stupid to see the illusions and the lies created by the democrat politicians.


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