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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Breaking News: A sheriff's deputy who was the only armed guard during the Florida school shooting did "nothing" to stop it, the police said. He has resigned.

Scot Peterson, a sheriff’s deputy, resigned on Thursday after Sheriff Scott Israel placed him under an internal affairs investigation for failing to meet the standards of the sheriff’s office. Two other deputies, Edward Eason and Guntis Treijs, have been placed on restricted duty while the department investigates whether they could or should have done more to stop the shooter.

Police protocol requires confronting shooting suspects as quickly as possible. Mr. Peterson should have “went in, addressed the killer, killed the killer,” Sheriff Israel said at a news conference in in Fort Lauderdale.


  1. This is why giving teachers a handgun won't do much -- who in their right mind would go after someone toting an AR-15 with a peashooter?

  2. That sheriff needs to resign as well. 39 calls on this shooter and he did NOTHING to stop it.



  3. Unbelievable; simply unbelievable. What a disgrace he is.

    1. He wasn't anywhere around the location It over when he was notified. Over 3500 students and faculty. School resource officer teach class counsel students and a shoulder to lean on. They get dragged into everything. He was smart to quit.

  4. 3000 students one deputy. The liberal sheriff is looking for a fall guy.

  5. This deputy is one of the clues to understanding that this event was a psyop perpetrated by elements of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Sheriff, Mr. Israel, is another clue for understanding the event as is the true identity of the suspect. The suspect's victimization at the hands of the local Sharim and Mr. Israel's involvement with the group is yet another important clue. Pedophilia is a tremendous problem in Florida and the super secretive Sharim is up to its neck with Pedophilia.

    Look deeply at this event and all of these mass murder events. Do not accept the MSM's reporting of these events.

    Thank you

  6. 8:48 I think it is time for your medication. Sure wish Cambridge pysch hospital was still open to help you people.

  7. The coward deputy is also getting to keep his retirement.

  8. That officer should have been fored and arrested for negligent homicide, dereliction of duty, and manslaughter! If he gets his pension every citizen of Florida should sue to stop it. The legal fees alone will dwarf his pension, and the state would settle.

  9. I agree that Sheriff needs to go. One deputy in a school with multiple buildings and over 3000 students proves gross incompetence. Just like a democrat he gave illusions. The illusion that the school was protected.
    Then the clips from the CNN circus the other night he was so uncivilized. He attacked the NRA rep to cover his own pathetic useless self.

  10. The Coward Co Sheriff does need to resign. He was evasive and constantly passed the blame on the NRA on CNN.
    The NRA is not to blame but he certainly is. Besides the 39 calls (and the 2 to the FBI that we know of so far) this also occurred:

    Feb. 5, 2016: A Broward Sheriff’s Office deputy is told by an anonymous caller that Nikolas Cruz, then 17, had threatened on Instagram to shoot up his school and posted a photo of himself with guns. The information is forwarded to BSO Deputy Scot Peterson, a school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

    Sept. 23, 2016: A “peer counselor” reports to Peterson (school deputy) that Cruz had possibly ingested gasoline in a suicide attempt, was cutting himself and wanted to buy a gun. A mental health counselor advises against involuntarily committing Cruz. The high school says it will conduct a threat assessment.

    Nov. 1, 2017: Katherine Blaine, Lynda Cruz’s cousin, calls BSO to report that Nikolas Cruz had weapons and asks that police recover them. A “close family friend” agrees to take the firearms, according to BSO.

    Nov. 29, 2017: The Palm Beach County family that took in Cruz after the death of his mother calls the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office to report a fight between him and their son, 22. A member of the family says that Cruz had threatened to “get his gun and come back” and that he has “put the gun to others’ heads in the past.” The family does not want him arrested once he calms down.

    Nov. 30, 2017: A caller from Massachusetts calls BSO to report that Cruz is collecting guns and knives and could be a “school shooter in the making.” A BSO deputy advises the caller to contact the Palm Beach sheriff.


  11. This is just one more person that didn’t do his job.
    The FBI also received reports and did nothing. Nobody has been fired or disciplined.
    The school board also failed to do their part and nobody has been punished.

    It’s so easy to go blame the gun.


  12. At this point, I don’t believe anything Israel has to say without proof. Maybe the Deputy was a coward and his failure to act added to the death total, and maybe Israel is deflecting blame onto a man who actually had no opportunity to act.

    Show us the video.

  13. 9:38 There is still one in Cambridge. It's just not where it used to be because of the Hyatt.

  14. Anonymous said...
    This is why giving teachers a handgun won't do much -- who in their right mind would go after someone toting an AR-15 with a peashooter?
    February 22, 2018 at 8:05 PM

    People who are paid and trained to do so?

  15. This guy holding the position of sheriff should be fired.

    I see now why he jumped the NRA spokesperson. He is a liberal democrat that failed and blames it on others (NRA).

    His autobiography has a message, "Our success will be measured by the number of kids we keep out of jail, not the number we put in jail" ~ Sheriff Scott J Israel

    Looks like he kept the wrong kid out of jail.

  16. The warning signs were all there and they weren't missed. They were ignored to advance democrat policies and the democrat agenda. The agenda being giving the illusion of the schools making progress on the "School to Prison Pipeline" by keeping violent students out of the criminal justice system. This shooting is just another example of the endless line of the failures of democrat policies.

  17. Sure sounds noble doesn't it 9:09. The problem is it's just another democrat illusion lie really. They are only keeping kids out of jail by ignoring the warning signs shoved right under their noses.
    This is how insane it is-the Baltimore City School PD (yes that city's schools has it's own police dept as does WashDC and many others) officers aren't allowed to refer to the offenders as offender, suspect etc. only as "scholars."

  18. A reason not to arm teachers

  19. 938
    You desperately HOPE the commenter is deranged.
    Otherwise, we are all in a world of poop!

    You might want to READ a little bit?


  20. So, as Ben Shapiro says, we are to give up our methods of self protection to those law enforcement people who have the guns and four of which stand down while good people are massacred?

    RIGHT. Not in my lifetime.


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