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Monday, February 26, 2018

Attention Redneck Walmart Shoppers...

They paint these lines for a reason!


  1. Just like that redneck driving the Wicomico County Board of Education pick up truck at the Wawa store who parked in the back.

  2. Its private parking lot, so LEO cant write them up. unless they are in Fire zones or Handicap.

  3. I feel the need to comment; I would imagine, based on the photos, that these trucks are parked away from the building, toward the end of the parking lot. I would also imagine the drivers did indeed park this way to discourage 'door dingers'. Not just at WalMart, the over-whelming majority of drivers in this area simply don't care about their vehicle and anyone else's. The predominate thought process must be that since I drive a piece of junk, it doesn't matter if I damage another vehicle.

    1. I agree with you! So many people have no respect for other people’s property. I saw the black truck yesterday and yes it was far out in the lot. I was also far out in the lot. However sometimes this does not discourage people from parking right up on you. Many people so so inconsiderate of others property

  4. Ah the Entitlement Factor in full force. No race, creed, make, model, or color can escape from the Entitlement Factor!!!

    Except when pics are posted on SBYNEWS - Delmarva's credible LEADER in NEWS and INFORMATION!!!!!

    4 days until TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Surround him with love and lots of shopping carts.

  6. looks like they are parked away from other cars. most likely done to keep the idiots from banging their doors into them. I always park in the north 40 and even then some idiot will park right up against me.

  7. Seems like some owners of pickup trucks feel that they are entitled to park however they want because they have a pickup truck and they have to compensate for something. They either take up two spaces on the parking lot or drive 30 mph on a 55 mph highway! Not all, but some do and act like entitled jerks!

  8. Maybe he was trying to get in the Guinness book for most parking spaces used by a single vehicle.

  9. I don't blame them one bit. If the lines were there for a reason idiots would park properly and not slam their doors into the side of my car.

  10. Idiots leave dings on your unless you park so the idiots can't park next to you!


  11. Just a true lack of respect, not everyone in a parking lot is a door banger! These idiots think they own something special or are entitled to do things that other people should not! One is a Toyota the other a Ford...ha ha ha no big loss either way!

  12. Life you'd stay there along enough you could have caught a few drug deals too

  13. 9:34
    The parking spaces in some places are too small. Still doesn't justify someone slamming their door into yours but many don't watch or care what their kids do. They fling open the door and bam you are left with the dent. We own a large SUV and we always park away from people for that reason and it is also easier to get into the vehicle since the doors are larger and some people don't know how to park in the middle of the lines. I don't want my vehicle to get dinged and I don't want to ding another vehicle either. I would give more leeway to the Ford driver than the Tundra. The Ford is a longer vehicle and also has a trailer hitch on the back. Had he parked in one spot someone could have busted their kneecap on it. You do that once and you will remember it!

  14. I see these kinds of jerks and I walk by them with my pocket knife blade out and cut right down thru the paint into the metal. Serve them right.

    1. My paint is special scratch proof and it will break your mini cub skout knife. If I want your opinion on a chick flick Adam I will make contact otherwise leave real man toys alone. Thanks.

  15. Lay off. many of us like to take care of our things. House, clothes, etc. You people that threaten to do damage are a jealous bunch. I am handicapped and don't park in those H/C spaces. I beat through the rain to return a cart to it's stall. I've had the wind blow a cart in my car way out in the lot, because of other's negligence. Leaving a dent and yellow smug on my red quarter panel. I also think as much of your beater as I do my own. "Live And Let Live".

  16. It doesn't matter if you want to protect your vehicle. Park like everyone else or don't take your vehicle to places you think it might get dinged. You are just inviting trouble for yourself. I don't like our vehicles to get messed up either but I don't intentionally inconvenience others to protect them. If you are THAT proud of your materialistic possessions, something is wrong with you, to begin with.

  17. No excuse for this, I don't want anyone to ding my car so I park in the back of a parking lot IN A SPOT. Just some hillbilly overcompensating. Look at me look at me it's my truck that's never towed around any more weight than the 3 other people in the cab.

    Nothing says "I put farm grade diesel in it" like some hotshot kid running around in daddy's jacked up truck.

  18. Hey, them there are $60K pickup trucks. Them rednecks don't want any scratches or dings on them.

  19. Adam 12:19 is cruising for a bruising.

  20. 2:19 you are an a$$ hole that is looking for real trouble, you keep doing that and you WILL find it.

  21. At least they are not parked in the H/C or Fire Lane. Those are the real idiots.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Seems like some owners of pickup trucks feel that they are entitled to park however they want because they have a pickup truck and they have to compensate for something. They either take up two spaces on the parking lot or drive 30 mph on a 55 mph highway! Not all, but some do and act like entitled jerks!

    February 26, 2018 at 9:18 AM

    Two spaces?? You better count again. Try 4 spaces.

  23. For the last 10 years 95% of Chevy trucks are still on the road.

    The rest made it home.

  24. 319pm, golf clap. Glad public school bragging worked out for you!

  25. Most parking spaces are 18 to 20 feet long. My truck is 23 feet long. And with businesses trying to squeeze as many parking spots in as possible travel lanes have been narrowed. So when you are parked in a busy lot with large vehicles on each side it's impossible to get out of the spot and god forbid it takes more than a second to move then you have to deal with the person in the Prius who is self important and impatient. Then there is the safety factor of your vehicle sticking out into the travel lane if you only use one space

  26. 2:11pm try 80k and I don't appreciate someone denting my vehicle with their tax time hoopty.

  27. Anonymous said...
    For the last 10 years 95% of Chevy trucks are still on the road.

    The rest made it home.
    February 26, 2018 at 3:33 PM

    That's funny

  28. Hey BigCountry (February 26, 2018 at 8:02 PM):

    You have a lot of gall to talk about "you have to deal with the person in the Prius who is self important and impatient." Who thinks he's more "self important," than a guy that drives a $80K, 3/4 ton, 23 foot long pickup to WalMart, just to buy two plastic bags full of man-things. You don't get special rights to two or more parking spaces just because you drive an oversized vehicle to to run errands and Walmart shop. You are just full of yourself, aren't you? Why don't you buy a CAR to go shopping with and leave the big truck on a farm, where it belongs. If you can't park in the parking spots when you go shopping because your EGO is telling you you have to drive a Big Truck to feel important, that's too bad. We all know an asshole when we see trucks parked like that.


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