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Monday, February 19, 2018

Associated Press Sees Florida Shooting Conspiracy

After being fooled by the “white supremacist” conspiracy theorists, the Associated Press shifted to note that the NRA gave money to the Stoneman Douglas JROTC program, which, in turn, bought air guns, which, in turn, were used when Nikolas Cruz was part of the JROTC marksmanship program.

And a new conspiracy is born! If you connect enough dots, and are willing to equate casual with causal, then the NRA did something that may have benefited the JROTC at the time when Cruz was in it.

In other news, the National Rifle Association is dedicated to helping the JROTC because members of the group go on to be leaders in their communities and in the U.S. military. Cruz is an exception and was removed from Stoneman Douglas for “disciplinary reasons.”

The Associated Press gave Cruz’s disciplinary issues fleeting coverage then moved on to report how much money the NRA gives JROTC groups.


1 comment:

  1. Wait a minute now...

    You're forgetting the part where this all began on the outskirts of Moscow, where some 18 YO kid secretly living in a treehouse using the finest computer the Trump administration could smuggle him, deliberately and maliciously sabotaged the USA by sending demonic messages to the Cruz kid's social media account driving him insane and encouraging him to become a "professional school shooter" while simultaneously and completely exposing the NRA and Red State Americans as ridiculous gun loving heathens that just just drool over the thought of slaughtering school children, so that Putin's trap of disarming Americans is fully in place and can can carry out his imminent and sinister invasion whilst Mueller does the important work of indicting internet troll citizens of Russia at a cost of GOD KNOWS WHAT so that we can all be safe here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Thank God Farris MULER and Jim COMwhatMEY are on the job protecting us all from the these evil actors.

    The most ridiculous bunch of a waste of $$ and resources I've seen in my 6 decades of life!

    Trump could do well to censor his tweets, but when the MSM smacks him 24/7 who can blame him for punching back?

    Ignorant liberals and the MSM, that's who...


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