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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Andrew McCabe’s Pension Is Worth About $1.8 Million

Top FBI official retires after scrutiny for handling of Clinton email investigation

FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is set to receive a nearly $2 million pension, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

The top law enforcement official, who has come under scrutiny for overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server, stepped aside on Monday. McCabe took early retirement, which he was eligible for after serving at the bureau for over 20 years.

McCabe joined the FBI in 1996 and worked his way up to high paying executive service positions. He was serving as the assistant director in charge of the Washington, D.C., field office until July 2015, when he was named the FBI's associate deputy director, carrying an ES Level 4 pay scale.

McCabe has been at the center of controversy over leadership at the FBI since before the 2016 presidential election, when the Wall Street Journal revealed his wife received over $600,000 for her failed Virginia state senate campaign from political groups tied to Terry McAuliffe, a long-standing ally of Hillary Clinton. McCabe oversaw the investigation into Clinton's misuse of classified information.



  1. Hmmm.... $1.8M for "early" retirement. Both he and Al Capone broke the law. I wonder where Al went wrong.

  2. Pension, my butt!

    Prison not pension !

    If He is to be taken care of by taxpayers, it should be while he serves out a life sentence for treason.

  3. Take it away. That will STOP all the LIBUTARD DEMOCRAT FBI AGENTS.

  4. Can't spend it in jail.

  5. IF he committed crimes; he should NOT be allowed to collect a pension What is the punishment for corruption and continued lying?

  6. All he has is 20 years on the job? Fast tracked under obama! Spent half his career under obama! What happened to obama and transparency? Guess that was just another lie.

  7. Government moving at the capacity of government. Duh.

  8. Are you naive?

    The FBI has ALWAYS committed crimes.
    Their job is to keep the population in check.
    Run drugs, weapons, so on

    Wake up

  9. This is why the swamp must be drained!

  10. It why ALL government workers resign when faced with being fired for any kind of wrongdoing. Happens a lot in our schools. And the government lets them do it.

  11. He should be fired; however, we would never know his involvement. I believe that is how it works.


  12. He's currently using accumulated leave to stay on the payroll while the clock ticks toward his becoming 'vested' in his pension.

    If half of what he's alleged to have done is true, he should be fired before the vesting date and should forfeit the pension. That would set the date. He'd still be able to exercise some appeal avenues but if those failed some rough justice would be accomplished and the rest of the culprits would have an incentive to start singing like canaries.

    He should get the pink slip. And then be prosecuted.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Are you naive?

    The FBI has ALWAYS committed crimes.
    Their job is to keep the population in check.
    Run drugs, weapons, so on

    Wake up
    February 1, 2018 at 1:17 PM

    I think you have them confused with the C.I.A.

  14. He shouldn't be able to retire. Fire his as and charge him as a criminal so we don't have to pay for his cushy retirement.


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