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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Andrew McCabe, deputy director of the FBI and frequent Trump target, has resigned

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — one of President Trump’s top targets in the US law enforcement community — was forced to step down Monday, according to multiple reports.

“In terms of the situation today, we’ve seen the reports, we don’t have any specific comments,” administration spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, adding that Trump was not involved in the decision as far as she was aware.

CBS News said McCabe, who had planned to retire in March, “was urged” to vacate his office Monday, and that he will no longer report to work but will remain on leave until March, when he becomes eligible for his full retirement benefits.

McCabe was named the bureau’s acting director after Trump canned former top G-man James Comey last May.

McCabe was then named deputy director after Christopher Wray was tapped to head up the bureau.



  1. McCabe also hung out with Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. Resigning the day after Christopher Wray went to the Capitol to view the memo? Nothing to see here lol

    1. But McCabe is still on the payroll and I. March retire with full benefits. Does that seem fair. Free medical for himself and family. 80 percent of his pay and who knows what else. Sounds like a sweet deal for McCabe. Don't think they can charge him with anything now.

  2. This is exactly why our government has become so deeply corrupt and why it will get much worse. There is NO accountability, not even for these high crimes. Perhaps not even one decent law abiding oath keeping individual left to prosecute them?

  3. Come On, why should he get his pension?

  4. He should get prison, not a pension!

  5. Two Sets of Laws.
    Millions cheer.

  6. How Democrats can continue not to be charged with any crimes is unbelievable and should outrage all voters,proves justice is for some but not all.

  7. 5:31 PM - Because Lois Lerner got her pension and denying FBI employees what IRS employees got would be "unfair".

    Please wipe the tears off your keyboard and move on...

    1. No tear here. But someone should pay for such crimes. Nixon did

  8. The useless POS McCabe deserves to rot away in prison. I did just hear on Hannity Sara Carter has sources telling her he may be fired in the next few days so there go any pension.

  9. RATS are always the first to jump ship...
    when she starts to sink

  10. Well good, another one is drained from the swamp. He was "urged" to resign?! lmao. Yeah, he was urged all right. Psst, hey bud, you really need to get out of here before the charges that are coming finds you.

    I would bet that's more like the "URGING". LOL.

  11. Please wipe the tears off your keyboard and move on...
    January 29, 2018, at 7:43 PM

    If you are going to insult someone or troll a page you could at least be interesting and mature would help also.

    Joe, it has come to light now that good ole Andy was fired and not "resigned".

    My previous comment about him being "urged" has not been published yet. But anyway, Tucker on Fox has a video about Andy being FIRED. I say good. And I expect many more firings in the near future, especially IF the memo is finally released. Swamp being drained. That has got to be a good thing, right?

  12. Whats funny is if this was Obama, you guys would be screaming to high hell about "evil corrupt dictator purging the government". LOL

    1. How do you no that? It didn't happen! Why aren't liberals upset that big government was illegally spying on Americans? Big government purposely disrupted a free election! Obama campaigned on shutting down the patriot program and full transparency. When he became president he signed it into LAW! Why DO YOU support this? YOU PERSONALLY do NOT gain ANYTHING with the government deciding who to spy on illegally or who wins election in the US. Please change my mind!

    2. 614 unless you are a illegal alien you have nothing in common with the Democratic Party. It's a party of rich elites that have abandoned the working class for illegals aliens votes. My party was for a society of laws, transparency, wall border protection and less government. My party decided to put Hillary clinton in charge of it with out my consent or vote. With in 24 months my party was unrecognizable.. Chuck litterly changed his entire life's work to supporting illegals over anyone. My party left me I didn't leave it. Now YOU are a moron.


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