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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Alabama House Passes Broadened 'Stand Your Ground' After Florida School Shooting

The Alabama House of Representatives voted 40-16 to expand “Stand Your Ground” the day after the Florida school shooting occurred.

The vote was to broaden the statute to allow defense of life in churches. It was presented as part of an overarching goal of removing weak spots in current law so that citizens can defend themselves when an attacker strikes.

The Seattle Times quoted state Rep. Lynn Greer (R-Rogersville), saying, “You got nuts everywhere just like you had in the high school in Florida yesterday. Occasionally, they show up in a church.”

Democrats opposed the vote to expand Stand Your Ground, with Rep. Chris England (D-Tuscaloosa) describing the pro-self-defense push as “pandering.” He indicated that Alabama “already has a self-defense law” and said broadening it “doesn’t accomplish anything.” Rep. Laura Hall (D-Huntsville) said the expanded law would just encourage people to “shoot first and ask questions later.”


1 comment:

  1. We in Maryland don't have "self defense laws" when we are not allowed to carry everywhere, all the time, and neither does anyone else whose State laws infringe on the 2A. When it's possible that everyone can arm themselves, society will become extremely polite and respectful of each other and this type of mass shooting stuff will cease to exist.


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