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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

****ACTION ALERT!!!**** Maryland’s Sanctuary Bill Is Back By Another Name – Now Called, Maryland’s SAFE ACT – March 13th, House Judiciary Committee

Commentary: Do we honestly believe that the Maryland Progressive Radical Left can pull the wool over our eyes? By renaming the same atrocity proposed last session, which we soundly defeated from getting out of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This time, the House of Delegates progressive Sanctuary Bill is being led by, the one and only, CASA DE Maryland Delegate, and radical legislator, Ana Sol Gutierrez (D). The House bill is also cross-filed in the State Senate. Information below, along with the date to show up in Annapolis, on March 13th, for open hearing of the House Judiciary Committee. Yes, you can go, and yes, you can voice your opposition to this unlawful act. Also, there is a Bill designed to combat legislation that would thwart Maryland LEO’s from cooperating with Federal Authorities. Both bills are listed. Both debates are open hearings. It’s a long read, so take your time. We will be working with other activist groups in Maryland to send a strong signal and will be headed to Annapolis to demand this unlawful act be defeated once again.



  1. By the looks of things here on shore it's already been in place. "Little Guatamala"

  2. Yes, they can pull the wool over and they certainly will, so whats your point??? You all will just let them anyway...

  3. And MS-13 gangs are alive and well and multiplying in the sanctuary states as reported in the news this week.

  4. 8:51- I vote for leaders that are in line with my views and values. I also write my congressmen whenever something doesn't "smell right." I don't just let them, as you put it! You sound butt hurt and that you gave up long ago. I think more would agree with how I voice my opinion than what you are currently doing, telling us to just give up! Cheer up, buddy! Just because You feel inferior and ineffectual evertime you pull your pants down, doesn't mean the rest of us are as pathetic as you.

  5. Well, here's another one that doesn't smell right. Feb 22nd the MD Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will vote on SB 1062. The verbiage is copied from their website. It is only the synopsis:
    Prohibiting a person from possessing a certain detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition; prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm if the person was previously convicted of a certain crime involving possessing, owning, carrying, or transporting a firearm after having been convicted of a certain other crime; and applying certain penalties.
    The full bill can be found here:

  6. And yes, you can call to oppose SB1062. To put an arbitrary number like 10 as a limit for magazine capacity is ridiculous. Because nobody would carry more than one magazine to a crime? I understand limiting access to "certain individuals convicted of certain crimes", but hell, the democrats want to give felons the right to vote for them... you can voice your opposition to SB1062 by calling the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and leaving a message with your name, city, and voice your opinion for the bill by calling 410-841-3623. I did, and it only took a couple of minutes.

  7. Why not list this Bills and Phone #'s emails for these nuts since a lot cannot afford to take off work and expense to go to Annapolis. But we can call on lunch times and email at night.


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