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Sunday, February 18, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Illegal Signs?

These signs are popping up in Salisbury neighborhoods. Unless somethings changed...it’s illegal. Not to mention unsightly. Would you want this in the yard next to you?


  1. If the city bans them I'm sure there will be an exemption for our good ole boy slumlords.

  2. If they are illegal , and it is next door to your home ,just walk over and remove it . I have a feeling that Mr. Cannon on the county council is involved in this venture.

    1. So trespass and destroy property because a crime is being committed? Only if it's your neighbor? Not sure but something doesn't sound right!

  3. I assumed you called the zoning commission. What was their reaction? If it's illegal, they should have told Rodney to take it down. If not, why not?

  4. And there you have it. Rodney long and whomever is backing him financially have decided that their not happy they've bought every house in fruitland and turned them into rental now their joining in an finishing off Salisbury. Greed is a terrible thing. There are hardly no family owned homes in Salisbury. Great job guys

  5. Yea he's been doing that for years. I was in a neighborhood he owns in fruitland off Hayward last year and he had these signs all over.

    It 100% stopped me from buying a house that was for sale in that neighborhood.

    He is not a good neighbor. The only one he cares about is himself.

  6. The jig is up. WBOC already announced the council will be approving the pay raises.

  7. Rodney AKA John Cannon.

  8. This falls under the category of a commercial sign in a residential neighborhood.
    If I were a tenant in this house I'd be calling the city (or county) to get that sign out of there and expect them to spank Long with a fine for putting it there when he knew better. Of course, there's the notion that Rodney Long may be paying the tenants not to complain. He's that kind of person.

    1. Why can 4 college kids that ain't related can rent a house in Salisbury MD..but if I ask three close friend to it's against zone laws..houses that have rented for like 550-650 a month now being rented to students for 400 each a month so times 4 1600 amonth..and we have families in shelters cause alot properties being taken from us

  9. 7:08 AM - Wrong move. Criminal trespassing and removing another's property (theft) by a citizen isn't the answer.

  10. Not to mention they are getting upwards of 2000 month rent for most of these houses. No wonder single families can't afford rentals. They are competing with the big business of student rentals.

  11. It's one of those things that potential home buyers see in a neighborhood that tells them not to buy in that neighborhood, one of the "clever" ways that landlords grow their businesses and buy cheap.

  12. Rodney also buys homes in neighborhoods with strict single family covenants in the deeds, and rents to 5 college kids. Liberal judges change the meaning of family... it’s a joke. They do what they want.

  13. How is this any different than a realtor sign or landscaping sign or painter/home improvement sign?

  14. Hello Fruitland. Where is your Code Enforcement Officer? Please have this blight removed.

  15. 7:46 - I would usually agree with your statement. But when very few of our elected officials follow the law then maybe it is time we stop!

  16. They go up all the time around this time and near the end of the summer time!!! Have been doing it for years, so no one said anything all these years, so why now??? You didn't care then so why should you now?

  17. I hate these signs. One, it basically means "party house here" Two, it's an open invitation to burglars- Here is house that will be unoccupied for many weeks on end. And if they will hit one of these rentals, they'll hit one of ours, two.

  18. City of Salisbury Ordinance:

    17.216.050 - Signs which may be erected in any districts.
    E. Temporary real estate signs indicating the sale, rental or lease of the premises on which it is located, with a maximum area of eight square feet, nonilluminated; provided that premises in the R-5, R-8, and R-10 zoned districts shall only display rental signs ninety (90) days prior to lease termination and shall be removed after the premises is rented;

    According to the above, if this sign is in the city, it's illegal because it's not advertising the specific property for rent and it's much larger than allowed.

  19. Salisbury City Council and Mayor of Salisbury, this is a job for YOU!

    Get busy!

  20. These signs are a big warning...this house is occupied by a bunch of obnoxious stupid, under educated loud teenagers who will not take care of it, the yard, or their neighborhood. They will throw trash and beer cans in your yard, host parties until all hours of the morning and act like spoiled children if you call them on it. The sooner Salisbury University can go out of business, the better.

  21. Damn. You guys really do have NOTHING else to do.

  22. 90 days prior to lease termination and remove when property is rented.

    This means that the sign can go up 90 days before the end of the lease (usually 30th of May for students), or about March 1st. Then it can stay up all summer until the place is again rented (about 1st of September.) So a sign can legally be there for 6 months or more out of every year.
    That is unacceptable and the council needs to change it.

    1. Only a traditionally sized rental sign for that specific property, not a general business sign. This might be construed as 2 uses for a single property which is also illegal in Salisbury’s single family neighborhoods.

  23. Leave it to Rodney Long Go look down Hayward Ave and Clyde Ave in Fruitland The signs on his property there are mounted on Wood platform about 8ft high

  24. The Fruitland Code Officer is driving the Police Chief around as he had some trouble around Super Bowl Weekends

  25. 10:18 AM - the issue may seem minor to you, but it isn't.

  26. Move if you don't like the neighbors. Without college students this turdworld city would collapse.

  27. Fruitland has not had a efficient code officer in a long time. Rodney Long has his way and Fruitland turns their head. I know for a fact he has harassed some home owners trying to force them to sell. There are rentals in Fruitland that their yards look like used car dealers so many cars there. The only thing this city cares about is tax dollars.

  28. Has anyone who commented actually looked at these properties? They are some of the best maintained in the city.When did being successful become a crime? Where where these comments when locals such as Alan Guerrieri, Richard Bernstein and Frank Perdue made their fortunes? Who questioned their financial backers? Mr Long has transformed a Fruitland neighborhood the was filled with poorly maintained rentals and a few owner occupied houses . Most were two bedroom shacks over fifty years old. You couldn't find ten blades of grass in the entire neighborhood. Many are now three bedroom, three bath ,well landscaped homes that most would be proud to own. Just because you can't afford them is no reason to criticize them. Try focusing on the low rent slums ninety percent owned by a few landlords who do not put up signs because they don't want you to know who owns them.

    1. Thanks, Rodney.

    2. I throw the BS flag on that s one. What Long and others of his ilk are doing is nothing short of blockbusting. This house is in Clairmont...one of the finest single family neighborhoods in Salisbury until players like long invaded and tried to illegally convert single family homes to student rentals. This is hardly one of the finest homes on the street.

    3. Well, when u have someone that can get information about properties before they hit the market, it's kind of hard to have competition. I will also say Mr. Long, I know of another rental, that the property owner had to completely rerenovate because he put in an extra bathroom on a newly built house. The city code inspector made them remove two bathrooms, stating the four bedroom house was only aloud to have two. Why were u aloud to put in three bathrooms?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. It appears to be larger than 8 square feet...

  30. Like to hear more about Fruitland and this Rodney. What have they done to Fruitland? I have an interest in Fruitland. Thanks

  31. $400 a month per student? That's cheap compared to the $675-750 that Long charges for some of his four bedroom houses (plus utilities). Do the math on that.

  32. Rodney Long is a POS, he must have gotten an atomic wedgie when he was in high school.

  33. Rodney long is a train wreck!! One would think that a local would value the city and not buy into turning all the single family homes into "room" rentals for SU students. He's already taken all of fruitland's older single family homes and done this so I guess now its on to Salisbury.


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