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Wednesday, February 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Blah Blah Bullsh!t


  1. Good for a 31 second nap.

  2. I can tell from personal experience - this nothing but a scam catering to deadbeats.

  3. ha ha ha with 22% of our listed properties in foreclosure I am sure they got a great deal on the homes!

  4. Helped a total of 27 people. The media cost of this production represents a third less provided assistance.

  5. What a joke! Not to far down the road all of Dullsbury will be rentals 100%!

  6. Ever heard of Agenda 21, it's about providing homes to homeless/low income people in working class neighborhoods for far less than fair market value. Definitely not fair to the homeowner's that worked hard in order to purchase homes in the best neighborhood they could afford.

    1. Happened to us in Manteo NC (near Outer Banks). On Roanoke island. We found the right house and the right price BUT wait that house was for affordable housing recepient. We are middle class people and the price of the house we were looking at would have been a comfortable affordable mortgage but we made a little too much income after working 30 years - my husband served the the Vietnam campaign and worked 30 years but we are turned down. These affordable houses are the same as the others in the community but are less money for affordable housing for people who couldn't come up with top dollar. This has been going on for sometime. I know that areas in Salisbury MD have or will have affordable housing. The builder has to build by Obama law so many affordable houses in a new community. Doesn't seem fair and what does it do to properly values.

  7. The smallest little city with the most so called slum rentals in the U.S. .
    Thanks S.U..

  8. Section 8 families destroy a neighborhood. They do not take care of the home the welfare puts them in and then they are sent to another home. And so on and so on. They could care less about the home, because it does not belong to them. This needs to stop. I had to move out of a neighborhood because of section 8's moving in there. The trouble started almost the very day they moved in. I guess they wanted to let the neighborhood they were there. Destroying property was their main goal, it seemed. They were moved out and another group was moved in. So we left. Such low life.

  9. They do not have to be slum rentals. Social Services buys homes in nice neighborhoods so as to move section 8 in. Because blacks complain they cannot afford those homes and complain that there are no blacks in some neighborhoods. There is a reason for that. Make more money and you will be able to afford one. Like the people who live there do. WORK. Not all whites live in fine homes, you know. Some of us cannot afford them, but do not complain like you fools do. We know why we cannot afford them. Does not take a genius to figure that out.


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