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Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Teacher Writes...


  1. I agree 100%.
    Today's youth are so entitled and lazy and oh so sensitive.

  2. You "the government" took away the parents right to discipline their children. There is a definite distinction between discipline and abuse. Parents should be allowed to discipline. You see what happens when this right has been taken away. As a child if I was disrespectful such as talking back,I got popped in the mouth and learned quick not to do that or disrupt adults when they are talking.

    1. Bet you don't bitch about the government when hour social security check shows up in the mail

    2. 2:30 I retired as a professor from a local college. I collect a retirement pension and still pay for my health insurance. Social security chevjs are no longer mailed they are direct deposited.

    3. 2:30 you don't bxtch about the government about your freedom of speech do you?

    4. I do raise a ruckus about government and I get a ss check that funds were taken out from my paycheck without my telling them to do so and spent most of the funds elsewhere. Welfare, snap, wic, etc. get more each month than people on ss.

    5. 3:39 you are so correct? We as taxpayers have no choice in the decision to pay for the handouts..

  3. This teacher gets it!

  4. Ain't it funny (sarc) how it started racing down hill when they (the powers that be) took prayer out of schools.

  5. I have a friend who could do nothing with his daughter, he and his wife would ground her and she would just walk out the door and threaten them with calling CPS! He and his wife got called to a meeting with CPS about their daughters behavior, they begged them to take but would not and threaten ed them with jail if they did not do something...he was facing jail if he touched her and if he didn't, the government most certainly has created it with children having more rights over their parents rather then the other way around !!

  6. emancipate them change the locks on the doors and forget them. if you dont they will either steal you blind or kill you in your sleep.

    1. 4:02 its not as easy as you think.

  7. I have been begging police, juvenile services and family service to help me do something with my child and they just keep passing the buck.

  8. 7:03
    He/She is your child. It is not the government job to raise them. Seems you didn't do it correctly and now you want to pass the buck.

  9. My parents put the fear of GOD in me. That look that they would give you, would dare you to call upon anybody. Spank me is much better than that look that put fear in your soul. All of you have spoil the rod, spoil the child. That's why you can't close your eyes at night around your kids. Kids today are spoiled rotten to the core and extremely violent. Deal with it. My mother use to say, this is my house and you will follow your father and my rules. If you don't, you can walk your azz out of this house. And, while you are at it, don't let the door hit you were the good Lord split you.

  10. "Y'all" ? A teacher wrote this? Is it so difficult to write "you all"?

  11. I am also a teacher and I see the same things. Not only the disrespect but the blatant attempts to create controversy. Students will do something their not supposed to do directly in front of you just to get a reaction. They know that nothing will happen to them. They run the schools.


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