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Monday, February 05, 2018

A male backlash against #MeToo is brewing

Men are scared, and feminists are delighted. But the urge to call out and punish male sexual transgression is bound to clash with an inescapable truth: We’re all in this together, men and women.

Consider what’s happening in the capital of Florida. Female staffers and lobbyists have found “many male legislators will no longer meet with them privately,” reported The Miami Herald. “I had a senator say, ‘I need my aide here in the room because I need a chaperone,’ ” lobbyist Jennifer Green told the paper. “I said, ‘Senator, why do you need a chaperone? . . . Do you feel uncomfortable around me?’ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘anyone can say anything with the door shut.’ ”

“I’m getting the feeling that we’re going back 20 years as female professionals,” said Green, who owns her company. “I fully anticipate I’m going to be competing with another firm that is currently owned by some male, and the deciding factor is going to be: ‘You don’t want to hire a female lobbying firm in this environment.’ ”



  1. For every action there is an opposite reaction.

  2. Dave T: Thank your friendly, filthy, good, old politicians for this new tidal way of insecurity created by abundant sexual harassment claims brought to you directly from your capital and mine. No surprise that now everyone else comes under a microscope for everything they say and do because of a few corrupt politicians who hide behind closed doors. Funny how they don't have to follow the rules set for normal Americans.

  3. Yeah, well you can blame your feminist friends for this. The ones who are looking for their 15 minutes of fame by "crying" sexual harassment when a man is trying to be friendly with a hug when appropriate.

  4. Dave,
    It isn’t the politicians.
    It is their BOSSES.

    These globalist (communist) agendas are very well developed and communicated down to local levels through the gentile Masonic network.

    Politicians simply read from the script written for them in Langley.

    Intelligence has ALWAYS worked for the banking families. Always.

  5. 447
    Right on.
    Thank you for stating the truth.

    Too bad nobody here will believe it or even bother with looking into it.
    Totally brainwashed population

  6. Companys will very reluctant to hire a woman if a man is available.


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