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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

WikiLeaks: John Podesta Was Briefed On "Gross Negligence" Before FBI Removed Phrase From Clinton Exoneration

Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta, received an email from an advisor which brought up the phrase "gross negligence" in regards to the FBI's email investigation before the FBI agent in charge of the probe removed the phrase from her exoneration statement, according to WikiLeaks. 

In a March 2016 email from former Bill Clinton Chief of Staff Tina Flournoy to Clinton campaign chairman Podesta's Gmail account, Flournoy included links to two articles concerning the FBI email investigation; one from the Washington Post which minimized Clinton's actions, and a legal analysis from retired D.C. attorney Paul Mirengoff in which he suggests Clinton was "grossly negligent or worse" and may be in serious hot water. (h/t Mike)


  1. As a life long Democrat I don't see anything wrong with this? Walls are racist! Open boarders and ban guns 2020.

  2. 9:37 you just admitted you are an idiot.

  3. 9:37 , if walls are bad ,then explain why all government property is enclosed by WALLS or FENCES !


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