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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

When teacher complains about the superintendent raise, she’s handcuffed [VIDEO]

A Louisiana middle school teacher was handcuffed and escorted off of school property. Why? She had the nerve to complain about the superintendent getting a raise. I would call that a violation of free speech right there. Other teachers and staff are not getting raises. Their salaries have been frozen for years. This prompted Deyshia Hargrave to ask why that was the case. For doing so at a school board meeting, a security officer pushed her to the floor… hard. Then handcuffed her and led her off. Just shameful.

Deyshia Hargrave, an English languages arts teacher at Rene Rost Middle Schools in Kaplan, confronted Vermilion Parish school board members during the public comments section of the meeting and was escorted out the second time she approached the podium – resulting in a scuffle in the hallway. After Hargrave posed several questions, board president Anthony Fontana ruled Hargrave out of order, warning her that the public comment section was not for a question-and-answer session. Hargrave was called upon a second time for comment. After posing another question, an Abbeville city marshal on duty at the meeting grabbed Hargrave and removed her from the meeting.

I don’t know if you have ever been to a school board meeting, but I used to go to them in Nevada all the time. Things like this happened there too. Most of the school board members at those meetings were either single, gay or wealthy businessmen. That should not be allowed. To be on a school board in my opinion, you should have children in school or be involved somehow in the process. Otherwise, you get something like this.



  1. Bad peasant. Go back to your middle class and stop ruffling the feathers of the rich.

  2. I saw this on the news and the volume was turned down, I thought this was happening right here in Shi*bury!


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