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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

'We loot or we die of hunger': food shortages fuel unrest in Venezuela

As the country’s economic problems mount, towns and cities have been hit by an outbreak of looting and violence

Amid desperate food shortages Venezuelans are picking up new survival skills.

On the night of 9 January, for example, a hungry mob took just 30 minutes to pick clean a grocery store in the eastern city of Puerto Ordaz. By the time owner Luis Felipe Anatael arrived at the bodega he’d opened five months earlier, the looters had hauled away everything from cold cuts to ketchup to the cash registers.

“It makes you want to cry,” said Anatael in a telephone interview. “I think we are headed for chaos.”

Evidence for his prediction can be found in towns and cities across Venezuela that have been hit by an outbreak of looting and mob violence. Angry about empty supermarket shelves and soaring prices, some people are breaking into warehouses, ransacking food trucks and invading outlying farms.

During the first 11 days of January the Venezuelan Observatory for Social Conflict, a Caracas rights group, recorded 107 episodes of looting and several deaths in 19 of Venezuela’s 23 states.



  1. Or the democrats will just open up the doors and let everyone come to America and deplete all our natural resources. Put added strain on an already abused system

  2. 6:45 The democrats will try to do exactly that but I think Trump has already stopped immagration from there.

  3. I havent seen anything at all on the MSM about this,you would think something as serious as this would be all the news.I guess the MSM wont report anything that proves ultra-leftwing socialism just doesn't work.

  4. 7:14 what's immagration?

  5. The economic crash in Venezuela is caused by the Saudi's flooding the market with cheap oil. This reduced the price of crude from $110 to $28, demolishing Venezuela's state budget. The high oil prices seen during the Bush era allowed the socialist government to pull people out of poverty only to see their economy crash with the influx of cheap oil. This coupled with economic sanctions from the US have led to the poverty and hunger. Food manufacturers have been found holding thousands of pounds of raw materials such as wheat. It's classic cold war tactics. The US vs. Socialism/Communism, always.

  6. Bernie said Venezuela was great! What went wrong?

  7. 8:42 see 8:32. The information is out there.

  8. That's right. Screw everyone else in the world.v Not out job to let them come our our country or the Indian's country until we took it from them. Next it will be screw people from other states - not out job to help them. We ain't helping people from Somerset county - F them. Just wait until there is an EMP and all electronics are fried. See how quick this happens here.

  9. We know too much via technology.We even know about issues that are completely out of our control,but Americans are control freaks and choose to ignore that fact.This is so far out of US control that we have no reason to know about it unless we can fix it.There is waaaay to much to fix right here in our back yard.Venezuela will just have to implode.

  10. 909-Venezuela has been a sh*thole for decades. You think it was nice under Hugo Chavez? Keep believing in the socialist BS.

  11. And Bernie and his followers wanted us to become just like Venezuela. Keep that in mind the next time he wants your vote. How did a self-proclaimed socialist get elected into our government in the first place? And isn't it past time to get rid of the mooselimbs obammy placed in our government also?

    Yes, I'm talking to you muslim brotherhood and CAIR.


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