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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

WATCH: Lindsey Graham Said In 2013 That Not Everyone In ‘Hellholes’ Can Come To U.S.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on Friday that he scolded President Donald Trump over alleged remarks that he made about "s***hole" countries on Thursday — which is ironic considering Graham made a similar statement in 2013 about Latin American nations.

During a 2013 Senate panel meeting, Graham referred to Mexico and other countries that are flooding the United States with illegal aliens as “hellholes.”

“I don’t know how many security people we have along the Canadian border — I doubt it’s 21,000,” Graham said. “Why are we okay up there and not okay to the south?”


  1. Full quote: “The people coming across the southern border live in hellholes,”

    “They don’t like that. They want to come here. Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hellhole come to America."

  2. If you can't tell the difference between a $hithole and a Hellhole, you're headed for problems.

  3. There is no difference. Just a choice of words and an individuals interpretation. Graham is another McCain, two-faced rogue Republican, looking out for notoriety and publicity for themselves.

  4. Let them come here and do the jobs Americans are to proud to do and let them pay us instead of sending money back to their shit hole nations. Wage slavery has always been an American tradition.

  5. If Trump said what media says he said.....well it is the truth.

  6. This Graham cat is sooo jealous of President Donald J. Trump being president it eats him up. You know, like the fat lady that the good president ran home too.


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