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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Voters Call for Special Prosecutor to Investigate FBI

Voters suspect the FBI is hiding something and think a special prosecutor is needed to see if the nation’s top cops have been playing politics.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters believe a special prosecutor should be named to investigate whether senior FBI officials handled the investigations of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump in a legal and unbiased fashion. Thirty-one percent (31%) disagree, but a sizable 19% are not sure.

The FBI has told Congress that it is unable to retrieve about five months of high-level text messages from the period in 2016 when it was determining whether to seek an indictment of Clinton.

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of all voters think it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.

More here


  1. Okay, I am a Maryland voter and have never been approached for this purpose.

    What is going on here?

    Do I not count, o is this a really bogus story?

    I'll be going with bogus.

  2. 10:45 So your good with the FBI losing all those texts?

  3. When it comes to the Democrats and especially the Clintons there seem to be more than just a few coincidental things happen like papers getting lost, Emails missing and accidentally being erased and people who are supposed to testify befor congress comitting suicide.Democrats are crooks, the worst kind of American and they will be responsible is this country goes down.And if it does there will be a civil war.


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