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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Video: Inside America's Deadly Opioid Crisis

Opioids kill more people than they cure. Every day in the United States, some 140 people die from taking opioids - addictive opiate-based drugs. They’ve become the leading cause of death among the under-50s, ahead of road accidents and firearms. Our US correspondents, ValĂ©rie Defert, Baptiste Fenwick, Hayde Fitzpatrick and Romain Jany, take a look at the deadly opioid crisis.

Opioids are neither viruses nor bacteria, but painkillers. In the United States, they are prescribed in abundance and are perfectly legal for a small injury or a tooth extraction. Opioids are analgesics, highly powerful painkillers, derived from opium. But many patients become addicted to the drug in just a few days and today this medication, which can cause fatal overdoses, actually kills more people than it cures.



  1. Yet there is a better all natural way to help deal with pain. But its harder for the government to collect money from it. See the goverment could care less about your helth and wellbeing, its all about the big money big pharmaceutical giants give.

  2. Guess they’re referring to the mass hysteria generated “opioid crises”
    Opioids aren’t the problem. Slack willed people are.


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