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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

UMass Amherst Sued Over ‘Egregious Free Speech Policy’

Young Americans for Liberty, the same student group that successfully pressured Bunker Hill Community College administrators into allowing the distribution of copies of the United States Constitution, is now setting its sights on what it describes as an“egregious free speech policy” at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

This week YAL filed a federal lawsuit against UMass-Amherst in an effort to overturn a policy they say “restricts all ‘speeches and rallies’ to one hour a day between noon and 1 p.m. on less than one percent of campus.”

The policy in question is listed on the school’s website:

Attorneys with the pro-campus free speech outfit Alliance Defending Freedom claim the the policies “create a chilling effect on speech, deterring students from engaging in their First Amendment rights,”according to a YAL press release.



  1. Universities have become bastions of liberal "right think and right speak" both violations of a free people and free society.

  2. The only thing thay should limit is the use of loud speakers during class hours.


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