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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Trump Slams "Sneaky" Feinstein For "Possibly Illegal" Testimony Release

President Trump lashed out at Sen. Dianne Feinstein on twitter for unilaterally releasing the full transcript an interview between congressional investigators and the founder of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the controversial dossier on Trump during the 2016 campaign.

In a tweet, Trump called the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee “sneaky” and said her release of the more than 300-pages of interviews between Glenn Simpson and Judiciary Committee lawmakers and lawyers was "possibly illegal."

Trump also called for Feinstein to face a primary challenge in her reelection campaign in 2018.

"The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way, totally without authorization, is a disgrace" adding "Must have tough Primary!"



  1. Feinstein being just like every single other democrat LIED and blamed her actions on a "cold." And democrat voters being the garbage that they are will let her get away with this.

  2. As Trump would day, "look at that face"
    Love me some Trump!


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