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Friday, January 19, 2018

Trump Administration Establishes New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at Department of Health and Human Services

WASHINGTON, DC: The Department of Health and Human Services announced the establishment of a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. Congressman Harris issued the following statement in support of the announcement:

“After years of the Obama administration running roughshod over conscience protection, the Trump Administration’s establishment of the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the Department of Health and Human Services is a welcome change. Religious freedom is a principle upon which our nation was built, and the First Amendment guarantees our right to the free exercise of religion. No healthcare provider should ever be forced to perform a procedure that conflicts with his or her values or religious beliefs.”


  1. Well Heath Care is not belief it's SCIENCE. If you want to be a country midwife or Band Aid nurse and resign to the will of some imaginary magically higher power. You are in the wrong line of work and should take up Voodoo and snake oil.


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