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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Announces She Won't Sleep Through State Of The Union — At Least Not In Person

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not attend President Trump's first State of the Union address on Tuesday. Instead, on a day when the sitting president delivers one of his most important speeches to a joint gathering of Congress — a tradition stretching back to George Washington — Ginsberg will be giving a talk to a rinky-dink college in Rhode Island.

But maybe it's just as well. Ginsberg, 84, famously slept through former president Barack Obama's SOTU speech in 2015. She later admitted she wasn't "100 percent sober."



  1. Why do the Justices even attend at all?

  2. Thank God she won't be there. She is so repulsive and disgusting. That was gross her snoring and slobbering last years.

  3. A couple of bungee cords and a bib would have been useful then. No, wait, she already wears a bib.

  4. She needs to go hunting in Texas.

  5. A president should not get votes because of his race, and a Supreme Court Justice should not be nominated because of their gender. It never turns out well. Race and gender are not qualifications, they are characteristics.

  6. Yes it is sleep that she did or was it drunk wine? She us clearly in need of hone for retiring

  7. Do not be fooled.! Acvording to icke this "ginsburg" could be a plant!. Watch every move... it was a cold night. If she is a cold-blooded creature it is likely she would fall into hibernation!! Look with your minds eye!

  8. I would love to know the reasoning for lifetime appointments for SCOTUS. There is no other position in the federal government that has lifetime appointments. There should be an age limit. Her mind is shot already, and yet she has a vote on what's constitutional. She falls asleep on the job, and has already publicly stated her bias against the President, and any cases brought to the court by his administration. She has qualified herself for impeachment, but everyone just hopes she will die. She will, no doubt, but it won't be soon enough.

  9. The Constitution doesn't call for Justices to be present, only the Congress. Ginsberg will be on a speaking tour for the month, in Rhode Island during the SOTU speech.

  10. Impeach Ginsberg!!!

  11. No one will miss her.

  12. She has been dead for 10 years!


  13. Sleepy Ruth made a good decision to speak in corrupthole Rhode Island instead of attending. It was a great speech and she would have filled her Depends if she was in the audience.


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