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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Things That Make You Go, Hmmm?

You have to wonder why today all 7 democrat congressmen from Maryland voted against funding the children's health insurance program (CHIP) for six years.


  1. It's about time Republicans take control of the narrative when these impasses happen. I believe it is because of Trump.

  2. Obama Crooked MulattoJanuary 20, 2018 at 11:25 AM

    Senate Democrats last night voted for Government Shutdown, just because they didnt get their DACA Amnesty for Millions of Illegals. Both Maryland Senators - Ben Cardin and Tom Carper, both Democrats - VOTED FOR SHUTDOWN! They have chosen DACA illegals over the citizens of Maryland, people who put them in office, do you get that? They stabbed every Marylander in the back and demonstrated to the public they could carry less about people of Maryland. Folks, these Traitors Do Not Represent Us, the People, they "represent" their own pockets! Get these Traitors Out of office and Make Maryland Great Again!

  3. They care about the vote. DACA will soon be able to vote and the "chain" immigrants.

  4. When did Tom Carper move to Maryland?

    1. Obama Crooked MulattoJanuary 20, 2018 at 4:56 PM

      Sorry for the error, it was Chris van Holen from Maryland. Carper and Coons in DE. All of them Democrats and always voting with their Puppet Master Chuck "Schmuck" Schumer. What else would we expect?


  5. rather than changing the immigration laws the LEGAL way, Liberal congress members are holding the pay of our military members, and the pay of disabled veterans, hostage in an attempt to blackmail the government into violating the very immigration laws that congress themselves enacted.

    How is this not considered Treason?

    Only congress has the constitutional authority to make laws, liberal congress members have chosen to evade their law making duties and responsibilities in favor of hostage taking and blackmail.


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