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Monday, January 29, 2018

The Flu Is Far Worse Than We're Being Told: 10s Of 1000s Are Dying

We all know that this year’s flu season is bad.

I have been pouring over numbers and reports over the past few days, and it’s actually even worse than we’re hearing about. Tens of thousands of Americans are dying. It’s now worse than the 2009 swine flu outbreak and is on track with the 2014-15 strain. And it’s not showing any signs of slowing down.

Despite this, the media is downplaying the severity of the flu and the government makes the statistics pretty difficult to find. Are they trying to avoid a panic? Do they know something we don’t?

Here’s what you need to know about why this year’s flu is so dangerous.



  1. According to the Smithsonian, the government hid the flu pandemic in the early 1900's, too. On purpose. With lots of cheer leaders.
    Because they want to protect you and serve you.
    But if you die, well, there are millions of serfs. You just didn't allow them to protect you enough.
    Its your fault you died.

    1. I'm not sure why you live here? Sooo many other countries you could move to for cheap. You have teachers pension it will follow you to China or Russia or Sweden. I think it would be a better fit for your personality. Thanks.

  2. In case you haven't noticed the new administration have made finding any sort of data harder than it should be.

  3. So, the flu shots are for a different type of flu entirely, and the one they inflicted on us this year is better at killing people off than previous years.

    With practice, they will be able to wipe out half the population! More food and money for the Elites!

  4. Nancy Pelosi is blaming it on Trump.

  5. 9:19 AM they can also create it with geo-engineering. cloudy skies are not always clouds. nanotechnology is big money

  6. 1041
    Stop telling people to leave the Country in which they were born.
    Wake up and listen for a change.

    The government is evil.
    It is controlled by an elite group of secretive international families who have tremendous wealth.
    They own the Pharmaceutical companies and the media.
    They control the governments through campaign finance.

    We are being lied to every day.

  7. It is true that the overlords are spreading this plaque to eliminate those that think the government vaccines protect them. I have been rubbing chicken manure on my body since Vietnam and have never been sick. When the flu virus gets near where we stay at, I PRAY and hold my gun tight to fight off the evil germs.

    You CAN win this battle of disease by exercising you God given right to carry a loaded weapon without permission from the crooked politicians that have bodyguards while the rest of us are told to call 911 while our women folk are getting robbed and violated.


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