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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Study Shows We Are Born Creative Geniuses But The 'Education' System Dumbs Us Down

“You are more powerful than you know and they fear the day you discover it!”


I remember listening to a talk by Sir Ken Robinson several years ago; about how backwards the education system is, and the imperative to implement major reform. Although he certainly gave an exceptional presentation on the matter, what ultimately captured my mind was the mention of what I now consider the most important study I have ever heard of in my life — a study in divergent thinking.

NASA — who houses the world’s foremost space program and some of the brightest people on the planet — contacted Dr George Land and Beth Jarman to develop a highly specialized test that would give them the means to effectively measure the creative potential of their rocket scientists and engineers. As a result, the duo came up with an unorthodox test, rooted in the process of divergent thinking; which is the ability to look at a particular problem and propose multiple solutions.

NASA were very pleased with the efficacy of the test results, and so it proved to be a huge success. But for Land and Jarman — who had obviously explored the concept of creativity in great detail whilst devising this test — they decided they wanted to explore and try understand the true source of creativity better. Was it a genetic trait? The result of life experience? Something else??



  1. Conservative TeacherJanuary 31, 2018 at 6:07 PM

    Just stop. Stop.

  2. We need a study to tell us that? Christ, just talk to a high school graduate.

  3. It is truly a shame that the reader cannot see through this.

  4. This is why we need school vouchers to allow US WE THE PEOPLE to decide who get the funding and education of our children. It so obvious that the current public schools system are nothing but Marxist indoc centers.


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