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Thursday, January 04, 2018

Study: Nearly 25 Percent of DACA Illegal Aliens Are ‘Functionally Illiterate’ in English

Nearly 25 percent of illegal aliens eligible for former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are “functionally illiterate” in the English language, a researcher says.

According to Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steven Camarota, about 24 percent of illegal aliens who are eligible for DACA — which President Trump administration will officially end in March 2018 — overstate their English proficiency skills and are “below basic” or “functionally illiterate.”

Additionally, the research found that about 46 percent of DACA illegal aliens only have “basic” English proficiency skills, despite narratives from corporate interests and the open borders lobby that recipients of the program are vastly highly-educated.

Camarota writes:

"Even those numbers could exaggerate the level of assimilation. As mentioned above, a high-school diploma has become so commonplace among today’s youth (due in large part to watered-down standards) that it is no longer a strong indicator of skills. Similarly, CIS research has shown that immigrants tend to overstate their English ability. When Hispanic immigrants, who make up some 80 to 90 percent of DACA recipients, recently took an objective test of English literacy, 44 percent of those who said they speak English “well” or “very well” actually scored “below basic” — a level sometimes described as functional illiteracy. "



  1. Of course they are. That's why I feel like I am the one in a foreign country when I am in a store.

  2. Anyone who cannot follow simple instructions is dysfunctional.Plenty of our own citizens fall into that category.A shortage of functional teachers among us only compounds an already difficult situation.Conveying is a true gift that does not even require a degree.One either has that ability or they don't have it.

  3. I know a graduate of a local public high school who cannot read at all - not English, not Spanish. Despite coming to this country before the age of ten and going through nine years of public school and special education, he is unable to read even as simple a word as "bat". He uses apps on his phone to "read" text to him. Oh, and of course he has a driver's license despite complete inability to read even the simplest road sign.
    His intelligence is normal, but he was just pushed along because he gave no trouble in the classroom.
    That's what a high school diploma tells you -- nothing.

  4. So are most of the inter-city ghetto kids!

  5. Nearly 40% of inner city blacks share the same deficit.

  6. Lets just keep giving the passing grades! Need that federal money to keep flowing.

    We do it to ourselves most times, that's what so frustrating!

  7. The spelling and grammar on the site would indicate that the same percentage probably applies to most of the citizens in this area as well.

  8. They do not belong here. Their parents only had them because they thought it would be an excuse for them NOT to be deported. If they let the kids stay here, then the parents will be allowed to stay here. They broke the law and must pay the consequences. Just like ALL Americans have to pay for any lay they break. No matter if they have a family or a job or pay taxes. Why should illegals or their kids be allowed to circumvent the law? You came here illegally and had your kids here. Therefore they ARE illegal also. NO DACA.


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