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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Sharpton: We Must ‘Question the Integrity’ of Evangelical Leaders Who Support Trump

Sunday on MSNBC, network host Al Sharpton said in light of allegations of an affair with a porn star and the “Access Hollywood” tape, evangelical leaders who supported President Donald Trump should have their integrity questioned...



  1. So they either go along with your santanic agenda or be dammed? You sir are NOT A MAN OF GOD!!!

  2. Questionable as the source may be... he's right.

    Say what you must, but Trump is a miserable, selfish, self centered, self interested, misogynistic, unfaithful, dishonest, abhorrent human being.

    Any evangelical leader who says that Trump isn't as described here is just not paying attention, or is purposely ignoring the facts.

    Now, NONE of that means that he isn't an effective President... it just means he's a miserable human being.

    1. You know him personally or how else would you know he is misable.

  3. We must question the people who pay Sharpton to speak, and those who believe him.

  4. 12:22 neither is Donald Trump. He is guilty of many sins.

    1. He without sin cast the first stone.

    2. 12:22 is as pure as the driven snow 🙄

  5. Sharpton is a FOOL, no one on this planet has any respect for this man. He is a legend in his own mind. I can't believe he is still getting air time in the news, because we all know what he is! What a POS.

  6. Trump is God sent. Anyone who hates his approach is a satanic spawn and a useful idiot. Previously we were lied too, deceived, raped, pillaged, stiffled by our so called God fearing leaders. Trump is a breath of fresh air in a satanic worshiping fecal pit called DC.

    1. Sharpton wears expensive clothes; entertains hookers; drives fancy cars and gives a damn about his people! Just their money. It is a sham people. Wake up.

  7. I'd be sooooo happy if Al stopped breathing !!!Ray!!!


  8. Is that Al's niece paying him a visit?

  9. @3:26

    If Trump is God sent then ipso facto every president has been God sent. Including all the ones you just disparaged.

    Take a moment to think about it, you'll figure it out.

    I'm sure that what ever God you are talking about, it's not getting involved in Politics.

  10. 12:38

    Wow, you are so well read, CNN must be your "reputable" news source.

    Everything you stated about President Trump is EXACTLY what the mainstream media want you to believe.

    I guess you have a selective memory? Because all of you maroons used to just love Donald Trump when he was a democrat.

    Oh I'm sorry, did you forget, or is that ol' selective memory acting up again?

    I think it would be best if you and all the people that believe as you, do the world a favor and have a "get together." I know a place... it's called Jonestown.

    i hear the grape version tastes pretty good.

    And please, don't ever again post your drivel on an adult site such as this one, because we all can see through your stupid remarks.


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