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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sen. Rand Paul: President Trump Cares ‘Deeply’ About Haiti, Financed Medical Mission Trip

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday that charges of bigotry against President Donald Trump remain unfounded because the president previously financed a 2014 medical mission to Haiti.

Paul said on Meet the Press, “I think it’s unfair to sort of paint him, ‘oh well, he’s a racist,’ when I know for a fact that he cares very deeply about the people of Haiti because he helped finance a trip where they would get vision back for 200 people in Haiti.”

President Trump stoked controversy recently as he reportedly called Haiti and other African countries “sh!thole countries.”

Trump allegedly said, “Why are we having all these people from sh!thole countries come here?” The president reportedly then added that America should have more people from Norway and other similar countries come to the United States.

The 45th president repeatedly rebuked reporters on Sunday after they asked him if he was a bigot.



  1. Lame Stream won't have any of this. They report on lies and substance without facts.

  2. This is a very good testimony for the president, not that he even needs it. Good man.


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