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Friday, January 19, 2018

Rich Bruekner Abruptly Resigns From States Attorneys Office

Has anybody heard any information as to why Rich Bruekner, from the Wicomico States Attorneys' Office, abruptly resigned?


  1. Because he doesn't like taking orders from a woman.

  2. I'm sure Bill Mich will dig to the bottom of this!! Don't worry guys full report at 6 -- Psych we will prob see his bear story again

  3. Because he no longer has Matt/Ella looking the other way. 9:23 is right.

  4. Has he decided to run against Jamie Dykes?

  5. Hopefully to focus on shaving off that disgusting looking beard.

    1. I agree. That crap he is cultivating on his face grows wild on my arse.

  6. Do you want the Top 10 reasons? True Matt no longer there to cover for him and there is a very upset female judge in "recovery" that is none to happy that he was run out of the office. If you knew the background on Rich it is amazing that he was given a law degree much less a job going after dope dealers. Please follow this and ask questions.

  7. OK I'll bite. Is there ANY part of Salisbury/wicomico county that's not corrupt? With the judge "recovering" and this guy going "after" the drug dealers is there some sort of alcohol/drug conspiracy/"use" within the states attorneys office??


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