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Thursday, January 04, 2018

Proposed House bill would prohibit Virginia taxpayer subsidies for a new Redskins stadium

Republican State Del. Michael J. Webert has a message for Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder: We’d love for your NFL team to move to the commonwealth ... as long as taxpayers don’t shell out a dime.

Webert, who represents parts of three counties just west of Northern Virginia, introduced a bill Tuesday night that would prohibit the use of taxpayer money to fund a new stadium for the Redskins.

While the bill doesn’t mention the Redskins by name, it would forbid the state and cities and counties from subsidizing the construction or operation of any stadium or other facilities used by a professional sports team, including offices and training facilities.



  1. All of the NFL should not be subsidized by taxpayers, it is a real "For Profit" group. If they were a non-profit, than tickets would just cost $10.00 not the $45 to $1,500 each!

  2. Although I bang the drum that the legislature in VA is way behind the times with most things....KUDO's on this one!

    The days of billionaires getting stadiums funded by the great unwashed are over! Eat it Danny Snyder!

  3. Great move here. Every state should send the same message.. you want to play, YOU pay.


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