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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Pennsylvania Supreme Court strikes down state's congressional map

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court struck down the state’s congressional map on Monday, ruling it violated the state’s Constitution.

In its order, the state Supreme Court ruled the Congressional Redistricting Act of 2011, which divided the state into 18 congressional districts, is unconstitutional. Under the order, the Republican-controlled General Assembly has until Feb. 9 to submit a new congressional districting plan to the governor. Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, has until Feb. 15 to submit the plan to the court if he accepts it.



  1. Yet another state with congressional districts created by and for the benefit of the Democratic Party. How do they get away with it in the first place?

  2. 10:27 it was ruled unconstitutional by a Republican dominated Supreme Court you buffoon.


  3. I believe it was in North Carolina that this kind of last-minute maneuver was stayed by the Supreme Court because of the chaotic impact on the election (which may have been their intention all along)

  4. Did any of you clowns read the whole article??

    "The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania challenged the state’s congressional voting map, which was drawn by the GOP-led General Assembly in 2011. The organization argued the congressional map constituted a partisan gerrymander because the legislature “drew a map designed to maximize the political advance of Republicans and diminish the representational rights of Democratic voters."

    The League of Women Voters argued the 2011 voting map “packed” Democratic voters into five Democratic districts. The rest of the Democratic voters were spread across 13 other districts, which still maintained a majority of Republican voters."

    The Pennsylvania Republicans put the map together in 2011. The League of Women Voters brought it to court in 2017. The Republican dominant State Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.

  5. You mention league of Women Voters of PA challenged .... The list of names on the challenge (order) were more men than women. Found interesting.

  6. Maryland is next. Then Western Maryland and the Eastern Shore will finally have the political clout they deserve.


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