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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Democrats Use Racism with Impunity

Last week, an American political leader used race explicitly in an effort to win a policy debate over immigration. It was not President Donald Trump, whose alleged reference to “sh*thole countries” was, at worst, racist by inference.

(He allegedly compared immigrants from Norway and Africa to argue for a merit-based immigration system, which was spun by critics as an attempt to draw racial distinctions. He had met Norway’s prime minister the day before.)

Rather, the explicit reference to race came from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who told her weekly news conference that the people negotiating about a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program were “five white guys.”

Pelosi’s exact words were: “The five white guys I call them, you know,” adding: “Are they going to open a hamburger stand next or what?”

Her racist remarks were met with very little resistance.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) later told Politico: “That comment is offensive.” But Pelosi’s office retorted that she “has made similar comments during meetings with both [Hoyer and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)] this week, without complaints.”

And, no doubt, she has. Because when Democrats use racism to drive their political agenda, it is not only tolerated, but encouraged. They are presumed to have the broader public interest in mind.

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  1. I just attended the MLK dinner at the civic center and all the speakers kept talking about was the racism, division, white nationalist, neo-nazis and I've never heard them talk like that before. This country is divide, NOW, because of them, Obama and the Democrats. This country truly has going back in time 50 years.

  2. And you didn't walk out! Why?

  3. 1:06.. I'm guessing since you were there that you may be black and it blesses me that you see what you see and said so.

    Obama and Eric Holder have done a tremendous amount of damage (and continue to do so), and their only purpose is to keep black people divided against whites so that blacks will continue to vote for the people they think will 'fight' for them.

    But the truth is-- the democrats have enslaved them and continue to do so in order to keep themselves in power.

    Black people are nothing but tools to them.. pawns to be sacrificed for their cause.

    mclain is right-- that's all they've got. Huff and puff.

    Maybe black people have finally reached the awakening that will lead to freedom.

  4. 1/16/18 at 1:06am

    And why did you waste your time listening to that crap?
    I hope that you weren't afraid to get up in front of everyone and walk out. If you didn't like what was being said, you should have not given a crap about what anyone else would have thought, and walked right out of that mess.

  5. Calling 5 white guys, 5 white guys is racist? You conservatives are really reaching.

  6. We weren't there, 9:06, and it's hard to say what good it would have done for 1:06 to just get up and walk out. We don't know the circumstances.

    But 1:06 did something effective-- by exposing what was said and done here on this blog.



  7. And by the way, 1:06-- it may seem like things have gone back 50 years, but it doesn't have to be that way in the space where you are... you see their game plan. Don't play along. Just live the life of love like Dr. King was saying.

    The haters are going to hate. But we don't have to.

  8. 9:38....wait a moment....

    YOUR side said that NUMBERS are racist and the SNOW is racist.
    M&M's are racist.
    People' NAMES are racist (remember your side taking a sports announcer off the air because his NAME was Robert Lee?).
    The f'ing FLAG is racist?? and so is the Star Spangled Banner????

    You people need to check yourselves. You are off the charts on stupidity.

  9. Anonymous said...
    And you didn't walk out! Why?

    January 16, 2018 at 7:31 AM

    And you don't think they walked out!! Why?

  10. Anonymous said...
    1/16/18 at 1:06am

    And why did you waste your time listening to that crap?
    I hope that you weren't afraid to get up in front of everyone and walk out. If you didn't like what was being said, you should have not given a crap about what anyone else would have thought, and walked right out of that mess.

    January 16, 2018 at 9:06 AM

    Did it ever occur to you that some people may have stayed so that they can be well informed about their surroundings instead of putting their head in the ground like you do.

  11. Jim said...
    We weren't there, 9:06, and it's hard to say what good it would have done for 1:06 to just get up and walk out. We don't know the circumstances.

    But 1:06 did something effective-- by exposing what was said and done here on this blog.


    January 16, 2018 at 9:38 AM

    BINGO!!! Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!! Thank you for understanding the truth!

  12. Anonymous lmclain said...
    9:38....wait a moment....

    YOUR side said that NUMBERS are racist and the SNOW is racist.
    M&M's are racist.
    People' NAMES are racist (remember your side taking a sports announcer off the air because his NAME was Robert Lee?).
    The f'ing FLAG is racist?? and so is the Star Spangled Banner????

    You people need to check yourselves. You are off the charts on stupidity.

    January 16, 2018 at 3:04 PM

    I agree with you 100% and we need to change this generation before it is too late. Hopefully enough people will get out the vote and elect ALL Republicans in 2018. Get out and vote and bring 5 people with you. Make your friends and family vote.


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