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Thursday, January 11, 2018

NBC Executive Plans On Promoting ALL Players Protesting National Anthem ‘It’s a Pretty Big Story’

NFL ratings have plummeted this season. There are several different reasons as to why, but a big one is the national anthem protests, which are now in their second year. Originally started by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, players kneel during the national anthem as a means of protesting police brutality against black Americans. But the longer the protests went on, the more Americans tuned out — and it seems the NFL hasn’t learned their lesson yet.

Some games have dealt with the issue of the controversial protests by refusing to show the national anthem on television. But that evidently won’t be the case for Super Bowl LII, according to NBC Sports Executive Producer Fred Gaudelli.

Gaudelli appeared with sportscaster Al Michaels during a panel at the Television Critics Association winter press tour this week, where they discussed the Super Bowl. And when asked if they would cover the protests if it happens during the Super Bowl, Gaudelli said yes.



  1. If the players are doing it, they should show it. Keep reminding whoever is still watching who those cretins are. Why anyone would continue to watch is beyond me.

  2. I ain't watching that super bowl of s#!t. Roger Godell,the NFL and the players and NBC can all kiss my @$$.

  3. No NFL for me. Hope they go down in flames.

  4. They want a big story? Lets give them one. Don't watch the game. Ratings lowest ever for a winer bowl

  5. Another show to NOT watch!

  6. I think there's some reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies I'd rather watch.

  7. As someone who watched NFL games all my life this year I refused to watch anything. I do not know what the standings are, who is in the playoffs, who is doing well etc,; not interested. They lost me over this anthem protest. I will never watch NFL football ever again. This will be the first time in my lifetime that I will not watch the Super Bowl. Actually I enjoyed not watching this overpaid millionaire cry babies, who are out of touch with the real world. NFL just go away I don't care anymore.

  8. And this will be my first supper bowl that I will not watch. I'll just check out the world class commercials on the internet on Monday. The heck with the game. It is being played and televised for politics, racism, and protests. When they go back to playing sports, I might watch again; but then again, I've found out I don't even miss football after boycotting the games this year over the unpatriotic protests. This is the first year that I have not even used the free tickets that I have access to for the Ravens games. There are many other ways to spend the money that used to be spent on being a former fan. I will not pay anyone to be offend me with their actions, or to detract my enjoyment by their ill guided protests. Most of the kneelers are a bunch of overpaid thugs anyway.

  9. I don't watch football anymore or attend games
    Don't have to watch NBC (Nothing But Crap) either.

  10. 8:49 they lost me when they put up a statue of Ray Lewis


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