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Saturday, January 06, 2018

Most People Killed By Cops Were Armed

Police killed 987 people in 2017 and only 68 of them were unarmed, according to a Friday report from The Washington Post.

The report follows years of protests against police for allegedly misusing deadly force since the 2014 death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. Black males accounted for 19 of the 68 unarmed deaths, a figure that has nearly been cut in half since the 2015 total of 36. White males accounted for the largest number of armed people who were killed at 330, and 160 armed black males were killed.

“The numbers indicate that this is not a trend, but a robust measure of these shootings,” Geoff Alpert, a criminologist at the University of South Carolina told the Post. “We now have information on almost 3,000 shootings, and we can start looking to provide the public with a better understanding of fatal officer-involved shootings.”



  1. so...only 68 were slaughtered,most innocent...but its ok...most were white. Never trust a cop...or Jeff Sessions.

  2. In America you have the right to bear arms... and if you exercise that right the police have a right to kill you. And the worse the hood is that someone is living in the more JUSTIFIED they are to carry personal protection.

  3. More polic were murdered last year then US troops at war. Sad times.

  4. Send this info to the NFL players union


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