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Thursday, January 04, 2018

Michigan bowling alley under fire for 'racist' dress code

A Michigan bowling complex is reviewing its dress code after receiving complaints that the policy targets black men.

A sign at Spare Time Entertainment Center in Lansing prohibited excessively baggy pants, hoodies and do-rags, the Lansing State Journal reported .

It also bars gang colors and insignia, and clothing with vulgar language or pictures.

The company has removed the signage and is reevaluating its policies, said Spare Time spokeswoman Meredith Assande.

Do-rags and other hats are now acceptable if they don't impede vision or have gang colors, she said.



  1. those damn white people with gang colors and baggy clothes.

  2. SMH...My business...My rules....don't like it....bowl and hangout someplace else....Somebody please take a stand.!!!!

  3. If you want to dress like a gangster, tramp, or hood, than don't go there, really simple, but I guess for "Simple" people even this is beyond their mental abilities.

  4. Here we go again. Being offended, good grief. Private establishment can have any rules they want - but the pressure to public opinion/boycott.

    This is the 21st Century, right? If I don't want gang colors or insignia in my establishment, then I can.

    No different than going to a sporting event and I cannot bring in food or drink. What can I do about it, abide by the rules or leave.

  5. Again government getting into other peoples business. That and getting into other peoples money is their cause. The good company should bar blacks if that don't enjoy the colorful language. What happens is the trash will run away the paying customer and another business destroyed. I would not visit a place with my family that doesn't hold similar values as ours.

  6. Look at seacrets dress code... Maybe if the missing link didn't dress ridiculously, they might be accepted into an establishment. No one wants to see your arse. Put a belt on learn what a large size is not 3xl. Turn your hat around straight and tie your damn boots. Pants around the bottom of your butt cheeks is called saggin,... Spell saggin backwards? Coincidence?

    1. It is really sad when comments on most blogs are very racist. “Saggin” is seen in all races and not just the race you implied!

  7. When I was in the all-night food business in PG County the early 80's, I had a sign posted that was cleared by my attorneys. It read, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone we deem objectionable, as long as it does not pertain to race, creed, color...(etc.)"
    Act the fool, we don't serve you. Being a fool has no color.

  8. They are only admitting that their black men DO such things. Just an admission of guilt. Such stupidity is rampant among certain people.

  9. Did the bowling alley imply any color? NO, they did not. But those complaining about their rules implied color. They are the ones saying that blacks dress like that. So who are the racists here?


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