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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Median Family Net Worth Below 1989 Level: Debt-To-Money Worst Since '62

As the stock market soars to new highs, here's some sobering statistics to consider.

The stock market is at an all-time high but Americans Owe More, Save Less, and are Poorer Than in Decades.

Negative Wealth Percentage On the Rise


  1. Yes, But the MSM keeps telling us how great everything is.
    I must be the only struggling loser in the world because I can barely make ends meet anymore.

  2. Most Americans are dumb spenders and have abysmal saving rates, shocker. Hell, less than 50% of Americans own stocks.

    You can't fix stupid.

  3. 8:21 AM That is more of an industry issue than a "dumb people" issue. If there weren't so many crooks out there, you would see more people investing. Instead of criticizing people maybe you should do some research on how many people have been ripped off by investment companies and lost everything. It's already well documented how the only one reaping huge rewards on 401K investments are the companies administrating your account stealing from you with exorbitant fees. Then criticize the schools for not teaching people how to safely invest and save.


  4. 9:06
    Set up a self directed IRA with Vanguard (don't even consider anyone else}
    Put 10%(yes 10%) of your pay in a S&P 500 index fund every month and forget
    about it until your ready to retire. Its really not difficult but you must
    not waver from this plan


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