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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Media Backs Oprah Because She’s ‘Not a White Man’

Dems bring back Hillary Clinton playbook!

Much like Hillary Clinton, the mainstream media is suggesting Oprah Winfrey would make a good president simply because she’s “not a white man.”

“She’s not a white man, she’s liberal, she’s flirted with the notion of running, she’s a voice for women and the abused in a sullied Hollywood industry, she’s famous,” Axios reported. “She’s the anti-Trump, which helps explain this morning’s over-the-top political speculation about a nine minute speech.”

The exact same claims were made about Clinton, including the laughable suggestion she was a “champion for women” despite her husband Bill having to settle sex lawsuits.



  1. Nah. Hollywood would be living in the White House.

  2. Pretty sure saying 30 million people need to DIE because of skin color isn't going to flush.

  3. I will vote for Trump in 20/20 no matter what happens. Then Condelena Rice. Intelligent black women who did a great job as Secretary of State.

  4. The Bern supporters would never back her.

  5. Oprah stated that White people in America need to die, That statement might be hard to overcome.

  6. We need to take this crap seriously, we don't want to make the same mistake the Democrats did. That Obama loving pos Oprah could be dangerous.

  7. Racist, sexist Media...

  8. Optah’s Talents lend very little to the Office of the President. Not taking anything away from her as a show host but - President? Not a good idea.

  9. oprah for dog catcher 2020

  10. She's an actress with a great business portfolio.

  11. She is a racist fake person. I'm to think she wants people to die for skin color. Wow.

  12. She's a real billionaire ! Her success exceeds race class and gender. She's the chocolate Cow. She loves to give shit away though. She can't be President. What's Ellen going to be Vice ? They will just give away everything ! Which would be Ok if they sell out to some foreign sponsors and get some of the money we have tossed away over the years with these backwards warring infidels. To be honest I would rather have Martha Stewart. She is shrewd organised and is not afraid to take chances and go to jail.
    MARTHA MARTHA MARTHA. She would drain the swamp and put in water lilies Lotus and Koi fish.
    Make America Pretty Again ! LOL.
    It's no more far fetched than this crazy shit going on now.
    Oooh and Martha could run with Snoop Dog as Vice. Vanquish race relations and bring peace,prosperity,prettiness and organization to the nation.
    It's a good thing !

  13. Her as President, will be about as great as her diets! What a joke!


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