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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Maryland House votes to override veto of paid sick leave

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland lawmakers are getting close to requiring paid sick leave at many businesses after the House of Delegates voted Thursday to override Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto.

The bill faces a tough vote in the Senate, which would have to agree to override the veto for it to become law.

The Democrat-controlled House voted 88-52. The chamber needed 85, or a three-fifths vote, to override the Republican governor’s veto.

Supporters said the measure has been debated for six years, and it includes dozens of compromises made after listening to concerns of businesses.

“It’s time because it reflects our values as Marylanders,” said Del. Luke Clippinger, a Baltimore Democrat who sponsored the bill, noting it would affect an estimated 700,000 Maryland residents. “It reflects our belief that no one should have to choose between their health and their livelihood.”



  1. If missing 5 days of work is going to make you homeless, then you obviously are doing something wrong.

  2. If there is not a single "business" that would back this how is it that they think this is a good idea.

    I will stop doing business in this state if this happens. Bank on that.

  3. Once again keep building this house with straw. More jobs will leave and you only have the commie dems to blame.

  4. Democrats never find a tax they didn't like,president Trump cuts taxes so democrats raise them.

  5. This is a business KILLER.

    No wonder so many businesses are leaving.

  6. Sooo, the libtards want more businesses to leave the state...and cause more residents to be unemployed as a result! Haven't you been paying attention to the list of firms that have departed the socialist republic of Maryland!?

  7. 3:37 Good. We don't need businesses that exploit workers.

  8. Contact jim mathis and see how he votes!!!

  9. This is easy for law makers who don't have a clue how hard it is to run a business. The government with its multitude of regulations have squeezed the profits out of many businesses and this is just another brick in the wall to communism. Not to mention the entitlement mentality of a vast amount of employees that will abuse this. Maryland just doesn't get it! If it wasn't for all the DC money , MD would be third world status

  10. Other states have had it for a very long time. If a business cannot afford to offer sick days for their workers THEY are doing something wrong. hint hint 324ah

    I worked for a company that I earned sick days, a percentage of all hours worked went to sick day accumulation as well as vacation time.

    In this retarded area for business, you don't have these things. One, there isn't much business here, two, there are not that many smart business people here, three, the workers here are not that valuable and most that are don't know their value.

    Most live hand to mouth. They are scared to ask for better conditions because they are scared they will lose their job, sometimes rightfully so. The meager jobs that are here are employer-driven, meaning there are more workers than jobs, hence the welfare state.

    Demoncrats rule Maryland. They are akin to plantation owners, so that should tell you what you are to them.

    Just read the above comments. What's even worse is the workers themselves feeding into it and holding each other down so they can "advance". lol.

    If they only knew.


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