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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Mandatory E-Verify Left Out of DACA Amnesty Discussions

President Trump’s most popular pro-American immigration reform, the system known as “E-Verify,” which would bar employers nationwide from hiring illegal aliens over Americans, has been entirely left out of all negotiations regarding the nearly 800,000 illegal aliens shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

DACA will end in March 2018 and despite amnesty for illegal aliens never being part of Trump’s “America First” agenda on immigration, the White House is now considering which pro-American immigration reforms it can get in return for granting an amnesty.

Among the reforms the Trump administration is demanding in return for a DACA amnesty is the end to the process known as “chain migration,” which would cut legal immigration levels in half and raise wages for American workers; an end to the Diversity Visa Lottery program, which randomly gives out 50,000 visas every year to foreign nationals through a lottery system; and finally, full funding for his proposed border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

While Trump wants to trade a DACA amnesty for reforms that would reduce legal immigration to the U.S. — thus reducing the mass immigration burden on America’s working and middle class — he has not included mandatory E-Verify in his demands..



  1. His desire for a "clean" DACA bill, as expressed by his words, from his mouth, was also left from the White House transcript of the days meeting.

  2. E varify has got to mandatory or the under the table jobs will stay completly out of control like it is now and we as tax paying citizens lose all the way around. Better to issue work permits that expire after a certain ammount of time,that way we have control over who is in OUR country.

    1. So true. Most landscapers , contractors and many more use illlegals and pay under the table

    2. So true. Most landscapers , contractors and many more use illlegals and pay under the table

  3. There are quite a few employers around here that hire these people. The employers of illegals are the root cause of illegals coming here. They give the illegals the incentive to sneak into our country. What gets me the most, are their commercials on t v with a big smile across their face telling us how much they care for their customers and in the background are their illegals doing the work. If they care for us, why are they not hiring US? Illegals do shoddy work, anyhow. One landscaping company around here , the majority of their employees are illegals. The company is over by the Centre at Salisbury. I do not see them on t v, but I see them all over Salisbury. I think every last one of the employers needs to be arrested.

    1. I've been saying the same thing for years.So tired of people talking about how the illegals just want to make a better life for themselves, how they are hard workers, will work 7 days a week 12 hours a day With all the perks they get, who wouldn't? But if employers didn't hire them, they wouldn't be here.


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