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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Man Accused in Terror Plot Asked for Deportation over Prison

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A man accused of plotting an attack on a federal medical facility in Texas asked a judge in December to deport him instead of sending him to prison, saying he didn't deserve to spend time behind bars, records show.

Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud told federal Judge Michael Watson that he didn't want to leave his family but called his proposal "completely fair and just."

"I truly don't believe I deserve prison at all," Mohamud said in the Dec. 12 letter, filed in the official court record on Thursday.

He added: "So if the concern is risk assessment then deportation would set everyone's hearts at ease."

Mohamud, who was born in Somalia and came to the U.S. at 2 years old, may eventually get his wish.

After Mohamud was sentenced to 22 years in prison last week, the local Homeland Security Investigations office said it would seek to strip him of his citizenship and deport him to Somalia.



  1. Yeah, that's right, deport him, so he can just come right back again, illegally.

    No, he should go to prison so we know where he is, at least for his prison term.

  2. I would prefer him in the cemetery, but 9:58 has the right idea.

  3. Let him serve his time and then deport him!

  4. Freedom in Somalia is a step down from prison in the U.S.

  5. I think ifyou come this country and seek to destroy it you should be held accountable..if deportation didn't mean this ignorant fool would welcomed as a hero for his planned actions and would suffer in his country... I'd be for it but what will really happen real trained terrorist will take him train him use his information of our country and seek to destroy us. Our justice system and politics make no sense in this country! I could lose my license for being 100$ behind in child support and get up to a year for driving to work same court room same judge....an illegal can get caught driving never having a license or taken classes at drivers edu no DMV trips gets caught driving to work , that he don't pay taxes, gets nothing at trial and let go. Y , BECAUSE IT COSTS TO MUCH TO DEPORT they can't lock him up. No SSN so answer let him go......AMERICA!!!!!!


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