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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Lies, Deceit, and the Violation of International Law

After reading this book (as a military veteran and northerner) it would seem that no one can conclude other than that Lincoln intentionally started the War. How many realize that armistices existed with South Carolina (December 6th, 1860 involving Ft Sumter) and Florida (January 29th, 1861 involving Ft Pickens)? To violate any part of the terms of an armistice means that a state of war exists. Lincoln apparently violated both before Ft Sumter was fired upon by the South but this has been covered up by court and gatekeeper historians. It was asserted unequivocally, that the election of 1860 empowered Lincoln’s ‘party’ to enforce their political theories on the country, regardless of the Constitution, the laws, the rights of the States, or the decisions of the Supreme Court; and that Lincoln would do so.

However, five days before Lincoln was inaugurated Congress passed a Resolution pronouncing the practice of pushing political theories using “legalized” force exercised by the Federal Government (as promulgated by Sam Chase and several Northern States), to be violations of the Constitution. The new Congress (elected Nov 1860) was more favorable to the Constitution being upheld than the outgoing Congress. Knowing this Lincoln ordered an army of 75,000 men to be organized and equipped without Congress’s approval and prevented Congress from convening until July 1861 when War was assured. Read Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address. He cared much more about His tariff that supported the Federal Government (paid about 80% by the South) than anything WRT slavery (see Robert DiLorenzo’s books among others on this).



  1. Civil War is the same as other events in history.
    Understanding them requires one to find out Qui Bono?
    Who Benefits?

    Think about that for a while as you ponder the Civil War as it has been told to us.
    We already know that it was NOT about slavery.
    That is the silly little story they are telling to young people now in public indoctrination camps (schools).

    It was about money and the free flow of commodities.
    It was about power.

    Ask yourself WHO has all of the power now?
    The answer will be a clue about who was pulling strings during the time of Civil War days.

  2. yada, yada, yada, fool 3;25 historical facts...4 states and the vice president of the confederacy put in writing that in fact the preservation and expansion of slavery warranted their treasonous rebellion. Fact...sit down, case closed, shut up.


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