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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Judge: Illegals have constitutional right to 'say goodbye' to family...

Illegal immigrants snared by deportation officers have “the freedom to say goodbye” to their families, a federal judge in New York ruled Monday, ordering the government to release a prominent activist to his family.

Judge Katherine B. Forrest, whom President Obama appointed to the bench, said the government was following the law when it picked up Ravidath Lawrence Ragbir, the illegal immigrant. But she said “larger, more fundamental” rights were at stake.

“In sum, the court finds that when this country allowed petitioner to become a part of our community fabric, allowed him to build a life with and among us and to enjoy the liberties and freedom that come with that, it committed itself to allowance of an orderly departure when the time came,” she wrote. “By denying petitioner these rights, the government has acted wrongly.”

She becomes the latest federal district judge to delve deeply into immigration — an area Congress has said belongs to the separate immigration court system and to appellate judges, not district court judges.



  1. A criminal gets to say goodbye first???

    How many times have we seen defendants marched out of the courtroom in cuffs as their mother tries just to TOUCH him??
    She may get her ace whipped by a cop for that.
    HE ain't getting any "goodbyes", but then, he is just an American.
    Keep cheering.

  2. If the rest of this illegal are also illegal, deport them all. That way no one has to say goodbye.

  3. What a bunch of crap. The judge is looney. She talks about the country "allowing" the petitioner to become a part of our community fabric and "allowed" him to build a life with and among us...

    Bull crap! That's why he was deported. He came here illegally. We didn't "allow" him anything. Had he come here legally, he wouldn't face deportation. That judge cannot confer rights to illegal immigrants. The judge should be required to have a mental health evaluation or be removed from the bench.

  4. I bet she wasn't able to cite any law, or precedent, to support her decision. There is none. Her decision will be overturned as baseless.

  5. Does anyone think that they will ever see that illegal, prominent activist again, after being released on the judges order? She is releasing him in violation of the law. She should be locked up in his place.

  6. Look if they have been over 10 years why have they not tried to become legally a part of us. Don't try to change us just join us legally. If not then we don't want you here. Simple. (map)


  7. Prediction: Overturned if appealed. Judge should be sanctioned, not to mention being a laughingstock.


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