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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Illinois Attorney General Candidate Robbed at Gunpoint During Chicago Campaign Stop

Illinois Attorney General candidate Aaron Goldstein (D) was robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight during a campaign stop in Chicago on Thursday.

Four individuals with Goldstein were also robbed.

According to the Chicago Tribune, there were a total of three robbery suspects. Those included a gunman and two accomplices, all “between 20 and 24 years old.”

Goldstein was taking part in a photo shoot in Albany Park. The shoot was intended to capture him and the essence of the neighborhood. Campaign manager Robert Murphy said the campaign stop was part of an “in-the-neighborhood kind of” theme.



  1. Lol! Yes!!! OMG!!! This IS HYSTERICAL

  2. Awesome..but what no armed body guards?

  3. And Obama wants to build a $100,000 million of taxpayers money for his library!

  4. This guy said Trump was racist for saying Chicago is violent hahaha

  5. Not unlike Senator Barbara Mikulski getting robbed outside her townhouse in Downtown Baltimore.
    Or how about the Baltimore City Councilman, who lead the fight for banning guns in the city, shooting at five teens that jumped over his fence and were swimming in his pool at midnight?
    As they say, "a Liberal is a Conservative that hasn't been mugged yet."

  6. That's Rich..unlike the state of illinois.

  7. I am not the type to wish harm or bad on anyone, even if I'm thinking it. Everyone should feel and be safe, but I bet that crowd was glad to get out of the "in-the-neighborhood kind of" theme. Lol

  8. Oh, the irony!!!!!! Love it!

  9. Gold-stein . . . says it all!
    Really funny.


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