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Monday, January 15, 2018

I made a great discovery when I stopped staring at a woman on the beach

It was the crack of dawn and I couldn't stop looking over at the woman a few feet away from me on the beach. I had come to watch the sunrise and she was getting on my nerves.

The woman, who was probably in her 60s, was hunched over, incessantly tapping and swiping on the screen of her cellphone instead beholding the breathtaking sunrise before us. It seemed pathetic, really – awesome beauty was right in front of her and she didn't even notice. I wasn't surprised though.

I noticed her on the beach the day before when she and her husband were sitting next to my family. She just sat there baking in the sun with her cellphone in hand and her neck craned forward, never looking up. And even when she got up to walk around in the water, she still kept the cell phone in her hand, swiping and tapping away.

Now she was in front of the finest that creation could offer and she was still looking down.

That's a sad way to live, I thought.

Then the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: "It sure is, and you should know. You're just as distracted from looking at the sunrise as she is, except you're worse off. She's only distracted by her phone – you're distracted by your self-righteous desire to look over and judge her."




  1. THIS is one of our current major social problems. What you think about life vs your neighbor doesn't matter. What matters is that you continue to promote what is right. It's up to you to convince other people with you thoughts. It is not up to us to follow you. If you can't promote your beliefs, maybe they simply are not valid.

    This is not a flip a coin exercise.

  2. To each there own " Life is a banquet and most poor slobs are starving to death "

  3. 5:56 - Then let them starve. NOT my responsibility given the sheer number of politicians that are voted into office.

    Just WHO is your role model? The woman with the foul mouth? The one with the cowboy hat? They are all phonies.

    1. 6:12- What the hell are you talking about? You're out in left field and the ball game ended three months ago!

  4. I get your drift and agree with you 6:12. 6:52 has not been paying attention to current events.


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