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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hudson Pushes Concealed Carry Reciprocity

WASHINGTON — Republican North Carolina Rep. Richard Hudson believes law-abiding Americans should be allowed to carry their concealed weapons in every state, and he’s hoping the White House will help him soon make that a reality.

“I can tell you, the president’s ready to sign this law,” Hudson told The Daily Caller Wednesday in an exclusive interview on the subject for TheDC’s “Newsmakers” series.

“President Trump actually campaigned on concealed carry reciprocity,” the North Carolina Republican recalled. “We’ve got a partner in the White House and we just got to get it to his desk.”

Hudson introduced the House version of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act on January 3, 2017, and the bill finally passed on December 6. Hudson says he spoke with the president at the time, and is set to meet with Trump’s staff this coming week.



  1. I have a felony from joyriding when I was a kid and a dishonorable discharge. I wanna carry too

  2. Doesn't do us any good in the great Gestapo State of MD.
    You can't get a CWP to start with.

  3. What ever happened to 'State's Rights"? Why are Republicans trying to force a federal law on states that don't want it?

  4. @10:49 Because Liberals like you have ruined every state or city you have controlled!


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