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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Governors line up to get waivers from offshore drilling

Governors from coastal states issued public calls to get their own carve-outs from a new administration policy opening up coastal waters around the country for offshore oil drilling.

The push came after Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott, a favorite of President Donald Trump, secured a special waiver for his state from Interior secretary Ryan Zinke.

The Interior Department overseas vast federal lands and resources and oversees leases to private drillers.

'New York doesn't want drilling off our coast either,' New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted Wednesday. 'Where do we sign up for a waiver @SecretaryZinke?'



  1. Moved to FL just after selling most on my MD before the 2009 RE crash. Republican state, no income tax and no offshore drilling. Just wait until oil and tar wash up on the OC beaches. The only revenue source on the shore will be ruined. Good luck with the dog shows, folk festivals and softball tournaments.

  2. The risk is still going to exist, we have oil tankers up and down the coast, with millions of gallonz of oil. Drill , explore, just do it safe.

  3. TERRIBLE IDEA.... do you all remember 2010???


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